Unit 1: Lifespan Development
Major factors influencing human growth and development. Principles of human growth and development. Analysis of significant areas of development. Prenatal development.Factors influencing pre natal development Physical psychological,social, intellectual, emotional, moral and language development during early childhood, late childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age and their characteristics. rehabilitation of the aged. National and community service for the aged. Death and bereavement.
Unit 2: Theories of Human Development
Meaning and significance of child development theories. Psychoanalytic theories of Freud, Alder, Jung and the Neo Freudians-Karen Horney, Sullivan, and Erech Fromm Erikson’s stages of psycho-social development. Pieget’s theory of cognitive development. Language development theory of Chomsky and learning theories of Paviov Skinner, Thorndike, Watson and Gestalt psychology. Theories of Heinz Werner and Kohlberg Personality theories of Allport, Murray and Lewin’s Field theory.
Unit 3: Early Childhood Education
History of early childhood education. Modern education, Historical review of major philosophies of early thinkers like Locke, Owan, Rousseau, Pestallozzi, Froebel and Montessori, Gandhi’s basic education and contributions of Giju Bhai and Tarabai Modak. importance of pre-school education. Administration of pre-schools. Planning infrastructure and programmes for preschools education. Maintenance, budget and keeping of records. Principles of curriculum planning, and indoor and outdoor activities of preschool. Models of types of pre-school in India.
Unit 4: Children with Developmental Challenges
Definition and needs of children with developmental challenges. Classification of children with developmental challenges, visual impairment, deaf and hard of hearing speech and language defect, crippled child, socially and emotionally maladjusted and juvenile delinquents. Gifted and mentally retarded children. Psychological problems; necrosis, psychoneurosis, psychoses and schizophrenia. Remedial measures and rehabilitation. Policies and legislations.
Unit 5: Assessment, Guidance and Counselling
Concept, need and principles of guidance. Aims and objectives of individual and group guidance. Sources of information and methods of group guidance. Use of psychological tests and criteria for testing and measurements. Guidance services: meaning, scope, principles counseling services, methods and techniques in counseling service of children, parents and youth.
Unit 6: Family Ecology
Family Ecology: Family in social context. Approaches to study of family: developmental, social, psychological and educational. Modern trends in Indian, urban and rural families. Changing roles and relationships, influence of socio-economic status, culture, religion and the role of family in maintaining mental health. Problems of the family related to sexual misbehavior, aggression and hostility, drug addiction, AIDS etc. Services for family and children, crèches. Impact of consumerism, migration and multiculturism. Marriage and family therapy.
Unit 7: Parenting and Community Education
Meaning and need for community education. Child rearing practices of community, Objectives and principles of parent education. The disadvantaged family. Problems and needs of the disadvantaged family and child. Subject matter or areas of knowledge for parent education. Role of parents and teachers in children. Methods and procedures of parent and community education. Parental education to support the child. Engaging parents as a resource. Role of community and supporting children's transition.
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