Punjab ADO (PPSC) Exam
(Exam Pattern, Syllabus)
(Exam Pattern, Syllabus)
PPSC ADO Exam Pattern
Events No. of Questions Marks
Step 1. Written Exams (Multiple Choice Questions) 120 questions 300
Part 1. From the syllabus of the Agriculture subject 100 questions 250
Part 2. From Logical Reasoning, Mental Ability 10 questions 25
Part 3. From General Knowledge and Current Affairs 10 questions 25
Step 2. Interview 40
Total Marks 340
Part 1. Agriculture Subject Knowledge (100 questions , 250 Marks) :
Technologies for improved cultural practices for Kharif crops from seeding to seed i.e. grain maturation, Technologies for improved cultural practices for Rabi crops from seeding to seed i.e. grain maturation, Field preparation, sowing methods, time of sowing, Efficient management practices for fertilization, irrigation, Weed control, nutrient re- cycling, mulches and crop residue management, Crop rotation, multiple cropping, mixed cropping, intercropping, Cultivation of cash crops, Integrated disease and pest management in Kharif and Rabi crops.
Part 2. Logical Reasoning, Mental Ability (10 questions , 25 Marks) :
Puzzles, Dice, Visual Reasoning, Alpha numeric Reasoning, Number Series, Logical Number/Alphabetical/Diagrammatic Sequences, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Analytical interpretation of data, Tables, graphs, diagrams, Blood relations, Coding & Decoding, Seating Arrangements, Analogy, Number Ranking, Venn Diagrams, Syllogism, Statement & Conclusion, Statement & Arguments, Statement & Assumptions etc
Part 3. General Knowledge & Current Affairs (10 questions , 25 Marks) :
General Science, Current Events, History of India & Punjab, Geography of India & Punjab, Economics of India & Punjab, Indian Polity, Political Parties in Punjab & populist schemes, Art & Culture of Punjab, Industries in Punjab, Agriculture in Punjab, Appointments, Sports & Games, Awards & Honours, Soil, minerals & natural resources in Punjab, Prominent personalities in the various spheres, Latest inventions on science & technology, Latest Government welfare oriented schemes, Current socio‐economic problems.
- There will be no negative marking in the written test, for questions wrongly answered or questions not answered.
- The final result shall be prepared on the basis of the grand total of the marks obtained by the Candidates in the Written Competitive Examination and the Interview.
- Candidates not more than two times the number of posts (in their order of merit of written exam) shall be short-listed for appearing in the interview.
- However, this number shall be subject to variation if two or more candidates at the last number (the number at the end) get equal marks, then all of them shall be considered for appearing in the Interview (subject to eligibility), warranting the corresponding increase in the stipulated ratio.
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