Total Question -150 Total Marks -150
Principles of Crop Production & Management :
Agro-ecological zones of India & their relation to crop growth. Principles of Crop production. Concept of soil-plant-water relations, yield and environmental stress, Cropping Systems & its importance, Integrated farming system, organic farming, resource conservation technology, tillage, dry / rainfed farming. Soil fertility & productivity. Essential plant nutrients, their role & management. Soil-water relationship, soil & water management. Weed biology and ecology, crop weed competition, principles and methods of integrated weed control, Crop Diversification: Concept, its importance and applications, Crop Residue Management.
Agronomy of major crops:
Classification, improved varieties, adoptability, climate, soil, water and cultural requirements, nutrient, quality components, handling and processing of the produce for maximum production of Cereals, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fiber crops, Sugar crops, Fodder & Forage crops and important Cash crops.
Agrostology and Agro-Forestry :
Principles of grass land and pasture management. Importance of Agro-forestry. Agro-forestry systems - Agri silviculture, silvipasture, agrisilvipasture, agrihorticulture, aqua-silviculture, alley cropping and energy plantation. Crop production technology in Agro-forestry and Agrostology systems. Wasteland development.
Production and Management of Horticultural Crops :
Classification, improved varieties, adoptability, climate, soil, water and cultural requirements, nutrient, quality components, handling and processing of the produce for maximum production of Fruits, Vegetables, Tuber, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Flowers, Condiments and Spices. Protected cultivation. Preservation of fruits & vegetables.
Crop Protection :
General biology, habits and habitats of economically important insects. Insect morphology. Biological control of crop pests and weeds. Integrated Pest Management. Insect vectors of plant viruses. Pest control equipments & insecticides. Prediction/forecasting of pest attack. Pest and disease surveillance. Basic concepts of Mycology, Plant Virology, Plant Bacteriology. Biotic and abiotic causes of plant diseases. Plant disease management by cultural, physical, biological, chemical, organic amendment and botanical methods. Integrated Control Measures of Plant Diseases, Plant Quarantine: Concept & Importance. Pests & Diseases of Agronomical and Horticultural crops and their management. Economically beneficial insects, Fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Crop Improvement :
Principles of genetics and Cytogentics. Breeding methods for self and cross pollinated crops. Self incompatibility & male sterility and their commercial exploitation. Heterosis breeding. Biotechnology for crop improvement. Major achievements in crop development in reference to yield and resistance.
Agriculture Mechanization, Food Processing, Post Harvest Management and Value Addition : Tillage, Sowing, Intercultural & Harvesting implements for Agricultural / Horticultural Crops. Implements for conservation farming. Processing and Postharvest machinery. Storage structures for agricultural/horticultural produce.
Agricultural Extension :
Principles of Agriculture Extension. Pioneering extension efforts and their implications in Indian agriculture. Poverty alleviation and employment generation programmes. Tools of Agriculture Extension. Participatory methods for technology development and transfer. Market led extension management. Application of Communication & Information Technology in Agricultural Extension.
Agricultural Economics :
Agricultural Production Economics and Production Processes. Concepts in agricultural marketing, Characteristics of agricultural products and problems in agriculture marketing. Marketing Cooperatives, Regulated Markets, Direct Marketing, Contract Farming and Retailing Supply Chain Management. Role and importance of agricultural finance. Agricultural lending - direct and indirect financing. Financing institutes.
Soil,Water and Integrated Nutrient Management:
Classification of soils. Soils of India and Chhattisgarh. Physical properties of soil, Land Capability Classification, Water requirement of different crops. Irrigation scheduling & management. Irrigation methods. Drainage. Fertilizers, Biofertilizers, compost for crop production. Green manuring. Reclamation of problem soils. Soil ameliorants.
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