Fundamentals of Agronomy
- Agronomy and Its Scope,
- Seeds and Sowing,
- Tillage and Tilth,
- Crop Density and Geometry,
- Crop Nutrition,
- Manures and Fertilizers,
- Nutrient Use Efficiency,
- Water Resources,
- Soil-plant-water Relationship,
- Crop Water Requirement,
- Water Use Efficiency,
- Irrigation- Scheduling Criteria and Methods,
- Quality of Irrigation Water, Logging.
- Weeds- Importance, Classification,
- Crop Weed Competition,
- Concepts of Weed Management Principles and Methods,
- Herbicides- Classification,
- Selectivity and Resistance,
- Allelopathy.
- Growth and Development of Crops,
- Factors Affecting Growth and Development,
- Plant Ideotypes,
- Crop Rotation and Its Principles,
- Adaptation and Distribution of Crops,
- Crop Management Technologies in Problematic Areas,
- Harvesting and Threshing of Crops.
- Identification of crops, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and tillage implements,
- Study of agro climatic zones of India,
- Identification of weeds in crops,
- Methods of herbicide and fertilizer application,
- Study of yield contributing characters and yield estimation,
- Seed germination and viability test,
- Numerical exercises on fertilizer requirement, plant population, herbicides and water requirement,
- Use of tillage implements-reversible plough, one way plough, harrow, leveler, seed drill, Study of soil moisture measuring devices,
- Measurement of field capacity, bulk density and infiltration rate,
- Measurement of irrigation water.
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