Production Technology for Vegetable and Spices 2 (1+1)
Theory- Importance of vegetables & spices in human nutrition and national economy, kitchen
- gardening, brief about origin, area, climate, soil, improved varieties and cultivation practices such
- as time of sowing, transplanting techniques, planting distance, fertilizer requirements, irrigation,
- weed management, harvesting and yield, physiological disorders, of important vegetable and
- spices (Tomato, Brinjal, Chilli, Capsicum, Cucumber, Melons, Gourds, Pumpkin, French bean,
- Peas; Cole crops such as Cabbage, Cauliflower, Knol-khol; Bulb crops such as Onion, Garlic; Root
- crops such as Carrot, Raddish, Beetroot; Tuber crops such as Potato; Leafy vegetables such as
- Amaranth, Palak. Perennial vegetables).
- Identification of vegetables & spice crops and their seeds.
- Nursery raising.
- Direct seed sowing and transplanting.
- Study of morphological characters of different vegetables & spices.
- Fertilizers applications.
- Harvesting & preparation for the market.
- Economics of vegetables and spices cultivation.