Unit-1: Current Trends in Agronomy (ARS Agronomy)
- Agro-physiological basis of variation in yield (ARS Agronomy)
- Globalization of agriculture and WTO (ARS Agronomy)
- Precision farming (ARS Agronomy)
- Protected agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Contract farming (ARS Agronomy)
- Organic farming (ARS Agronomy)
- Conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Soil-less cultivation (ARS Agronomy)
- Aeroponics (ARS Agronomy)
- Hydroponics (ARS Agronomy)
- Vertical farming and terrace farming (ARS Agronomy)
- Use of GIS (ARS Agronomy)
- GPS (ARS Agronomy)
- Remote sensing and robotics for crop management in modern agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Use of blockchain and big data analysis (ARS Agronomy)
- Mechanization in crop cultivation systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Global warming and crop productivity (ARS Agronomy)
- GM crops (ARS Agronomy)
- GM seed production technology (ARS Agronomy)
- Seed certification (ARS Agronomy)
- Seed multiplication (ARS Agronomy)
- Hybrid seed production etc. (ARS Agronomy)
- Concepts of system agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Holistic approach of farming systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Artificial intelligence - concept and application (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-2: Recent Trends in Crop Growth and Productivity (ARS Agronomy)
- Geo-ecological zones of India (ARS Agronomy)
- Crop growth analysis in relation to environment (ARS Agronomy)
- Capacity and intensity factors of plant growth (ARS Agronomy)
- Factors influencing vegetative (thermophase) and reproductive (photophase) of plants/crops (ARS Agronomy)
- Quantitative agro-biological principles and inverse yield nitrogen law (ARS Agronomy)
- Mitscherlich's yield equation, its interpretation and applicability (ARS Agronomy)
- Baule unit (ARS Agronomy)
- Optimization of plant density and planting geometry in relation to different resources (ARS Agronomy)
- Concept of ideal plant type and crop modeling for desired crop yield (ARS Agronomy)
- Strategies for maximizing solar energy utilization (ARS Agronomy)
- Leaf area - interception of solar radiation and crop growth (ARS Agronomy)
- Photosynthesis: the photosynthetic apparatus, factors essential for photosynthesis (ARS Agronomy)
- Difference in photosynthetic rates among and within species (ARS Agronomy)
- Solar radiation concept and agro-techniques for harvesting solar radiation (ARS Agronomy)
- Growth analysis: CGR, RGR, NAR, LAI, LAD, LAR - concept, relevance, critical values (ARS Agronomy)
- Validity and limitations in interpreting crop growth and development (ARS Agronomy)
- Growth curves: sigmoid, polynomial and asymptotic (ARS Agronomy)
- Root systems, root-shoot relationship (ARS Agronomy)
- Yield and environmental stress (ARS Agronomy)
- Use of growth hormones and regulators for better adaptation in stressed conditions (ARS Agronomy)
- Heat unit concept of crop maturity: concept and types of heat units (ARS Agronomy)
- Concept of plant ideotypes: crop physiological and new ideotypes (ARS Agronomy)
- Characteristics of ideotype for wheat, rice, maize, etc. (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-3: Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management (ARS Agronomy)
- Factors affecting soil fertility and productivity (ARS Agronomy)
- Problems of supply and availability of nutrients (ARS Agronomy)
- Relation between nutrient supply and crop growth (ARS Agronomy)
- Criteria of essentiality of nutrients (ARS Agronomy)
- Essential plant nutrients and their functions (ARS Agronomy)
- Nutrient deficiency symptoms (ARS Agronomy)
- Transformation and dynamics of major plant nutrients (ARS Agronomy)
- Commercial fertilizers (ARS Agronomy)
- Composition, relative fertilizer value, and cost (ARS Agronomy)
- Crop response to different nutrients (ARS Agronomy)
- Residual effects and fertilizer use efficiency (ARS Agronomy)
- Agronomic, chemical, and physiological fertilizer mixtures and grades (ARS Agronomy)
- Nano-fertilizer materials (ARS Agronomy)
- Methods of increasing fertilizer use efficiency (ARS Agronomy)
- Nutrient interactions (ARS Agronomy)
- Time and methods of manures and fertilizers application (ARS Agronomy)
- Different approaches of fertilizers/nutrients recommendations in crops and cropping systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Nutrient management sensors/gadgets (ARS Agronomy)
- Foliar application and its concept (ARS Agronomy)
- Relative performance of organic and inorganic nutrients (ARS Agronomy)
- Economics of fertilizer use (ARS Agronomy)
- Use of vermicompost and residue wastes in crops (ARS Agronomy)
- Integrated nutrient management (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-4: Water and Irrigation Management (ARS Agronomy)
- Global water resources (ARS Agronomy)
- Water resources of India (ARS Agronomy)
- Irrigation projects during pre and post-independence period and their significance in crop production (ARS Agronomy)
- Field water cycle, water movement in soil and plants (ARS Agronomy)
- Soil-water-plant relationships (ARS Agronomy)
- SPAC (Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum) (ARS Agronomy)
- Soil and plant water potential (ARS Agronomy)
- Water absorption by plants (ARS Agronomy)
- Crop water stress – water deficits and crop growth (ARS Agronomy)
- Plant response to water stress (ARS Agronomy)
- Crop plant adaptation to moisture stress condition (ARS Agronomy)
- Irrigation needs (ARS Agronomy)
- Meteorological, soil, agronomic, and plant factors affecting irrigation need (ARS Agronomy)
- Water deficits and crop growth (ARS Agronomy)
- Water movement in soil under saturated and unsaturated conditions (ARS Agronomy)
- Poiseulle's and Darcy's law (ARS Agronomy)
- General equation of saturated and unsaturated flow of water in soil (ARS Agronomy)
- Runoff and infiltration reciprocity (ARS Agronomy)
- Evaporation, transpiration, and evapotranspiration (ARS Agronomy)
- Significance of transpiration (ARS Agronomy)
- Energy utilization in transpiration (ARS Agronomy)
- Water requirement of crop plants (ARS Agronomy)
- Water/irrigation needs (ARS Agronomy)
- Water use efficiency (ARS Agronomy)
- Management practices for improving water use efficiency of crops (ARS Agronomy)
- Factors affecting evapotranspiration (ARS Agronomy)
- Control of evapotranspiration by mulching and use of anti-transparent (ARS Agronomy)
- Interaction between irrigation and fertilizers (ARS Agronomy)
- Fertilizer use in relation to irrigation (ARS Agronomy)
- Water availability in relation to nutrient availability (ARS Agronomy)
- Scheduling, depth, and methods of irrigation (ARS Agronomy)
- Micro irrigation systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Deficit irrigation (ARS Agronomy)
- Fertigation (ARS Agronomy)
- Management of water in controlled environments and polyhouses (ARS Agronomy)
- Application of irrigation water (ARS Agronomy)
- Conveyance and distribution system (ARS Agronomy)
- Various irrigation efficiencies (ARS Agronomy)
- Agronomic considerations in the design and operation of irrigation projects (ARS Agronomy)
- Field water budget (water gain and loss at crop root zone) (ARS Agronomy)
- Characteristics of irrigation and farming systems affecting irrigation management (ARS Agronomy)
- Automated irrigation systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Strategies of using limited water supply (ARS Agronomy)
- Water harvesting, rainwater management, and its utilization for crop production (ARS Agronomy)
- Hydroponics (ARS Agronomy)
- Water management of crops under climate change scenario (ARS Agronomy)
- Optimizing the use of given irrigation supplies (ARS Agronomy)
- Land suitability for irrigation (ARS Agronomy)
- Water quality (ARS Agronomy)
- Land irrigability classification (ARS Agronomy)
- Integrated water management in command areas (ARS Agronomy)
- Institution of water management in commands (ARS Agronomy)
- Farmer's participation in command areas (ARS Agronomy)
- Irrigation legislation (ARS Agronomy)
- Economic analysis of irrigation and crop planning for optimum use of irrigation water in command areas (ARS Agronomy)
- Use of models for water management (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-5: Recent Trends in Weed Management (ARS Agronomy)
- Weed biology, ecology, and classification (ARS Agronomy)
- Crop-weed competition, interference, and allelopathy (ARS Agronomy)
- Weed shift in different ecosystems - causes and effects (ARS Agronomy)
- Principles and methods of weed control (ARS Agronomy)
- Weed control indices (ARS Agronomy)
- Weed management in major crops and cropping systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Alien, invasive, and parasitic weeds and their management (ARS Agronomy)
- Migration, introduction, and adaptation of weeds (ARS Agronomy)
- Invasive weeds - biology and management (ARS Agronomy)
- Mechanisms of weed invasion and influencing factors (ARS Agronomy)
- Herbicides: introduction, history, and classification (ARS Agronomy)
- Herbicide structure-activity relationship (ARS Agronomy)
- Factors affecting herbicide efficiency (ARS Agronomy)
- Herbicide absorption, translocation, metabolism, and mode of action (ARS Agronomy)
- Herbicide activity, selectivity, and factors affecting them (ARS Agronomy)
- Herbicide formulations, mixtures, rotation, and application techniques (ARS Agronomy)
- Herbicide compatibility (ARS Agronomy)
- Climatic factors and phytotoxicity of herbicides (ARS Agronomy)
- Transformation and fate of herbicides in plants and soil (ARS Agronomy)
- Residue management of herbicides (ARS Agronomy)
- Primary and secondary metabolites, adjuvants (ARS Agronomy)
- Trends in new herbicide products and molecules (ARS Agronomy)
- Herbicide resistance in weeds and management (ARS Agronomy)
- Antidotes and crop protection (ARS Agronomy)
- Compatibility of herbicides with other pesticides (ARS Agronomy)
- Development of transgenic herbicide-tolerant crops (ARS Agronomy)
- Herbicide development and registration procedures (ARS Agronomy)
- Relationship of herbicides with tillage, fertilizer, irrigation, and cropping system (ARS Agronomy)
- Bioherbicides, allelochemicals, and non-chemical weed management methods (ARS Agronomy)
- Recent advances in weed management (ARS Agronomy)
- Use of robotics, drones, and aeroplanes in weed management (ARS Agronomy)
- Weed problems in organic production systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Integrated weed management for inorganic and organic production systems (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-6: Conservation Agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Conservation agriculture (CA): principles, prospects, and importance (ARS Agronomy)
- Advantages and disadvantages of conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Conventional and conservation agriculture systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Sustainability concerns in conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Concept and historical background of conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Global experiences and present status of conservation agriculture in India (ARS Agronomy)
- Relationship between resource conservation technology (RCT) and CA (ARS Agronomy)
- Relationship between conservation tillage and CA (ARS Agronomy)
- Modern concept of tillage and its management in conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Nutrient management in conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Water management in conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Weed dynamics and management in conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Energy use in conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Resource and input-use efficiency in conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Insect pest and disease dynamics and management in conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Farm machinery in conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Crop residue management in conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Cover crop management in conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Carbon sequestration in conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Soil health in conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Climate change adaptation and mitigation potential of CA (ARS Agronomy)
- CA in agroforestry systems and rainfed/dryland regions (ARS Agronomy)
- Economic considerations and adoption of CA (ARS Agronomy)
- Constraints and future of agriculture under CA (ARS Agronomy)
- Policy issues related to conservation agriculture (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-7: Cropping Systems and Sustainable Agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Major cropping systems in irrigated, rainfed/dryland, and semi-arid/arid environments (ARS Agronomy)
- Approximate acreage of major cropping systems in India (ARS Agronomy)
- Resource capture and use efficiency in cropping systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Soil and water management in cropping systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Assessment of land use in cropping systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Concept of sustainability in cropping systems and farming systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Scope and objectives of sustainable cropping systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Production potential under monoculture, multiple cropping, alley cropping, sequential cropping, and intercropping (ARS Agronomy)
- Principles of intercropping and mixed cropping systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Yield advantages in intercropping systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Mechanisms and factors influencing yield advantage in intercropping (ARS Agronomy)
- Above and below-ground interactions and allelopathic effects in intercropping (ARS Agronomy)
- Cropping patterns, alternate land use, and crop diversification (ARS Agronomy)
- Multi-storied cropping and yield stability in intercropping (ARS Agronomy)
- Role of non-monetary inputs and low-cost technologies (ARS Agronomy)
- Research needs for sustainable agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Crop diversification for sustainability (ARS Agronomy)
- Role of organic matter in soil fertility maintenance (ARS Agronomy)
- Crop residue management in cropping systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Fertilizer use efficiency and concepts in intensive cropping systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Advanced nutritional tools for big data analysis and interpretation (ARS Agronomy)
- Plant ideotypes for drylands (ARS Agronomy)
- Plant growth regulators and their role in sustainability (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-8: Dryland Farming and Watershed Management (ARS Agronomy)
- Concept and characteristics of dryland farming (ARS Agronomy)
- Dryland farming versus rainfed farming (ARS Agronomy)
- Significance and dimensions of dryland farming in Indian agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Soil properties and rainfall characteristics in dryland areas (ARS Agronomy)
- Constraints limiting crop production in dryland areas (ARS Agronomy)
- Types of drought and physiological principles of dryland crop production (ARS Agronomy)
- Constraints and remedial measures for dryland crop production (ARS Agronomy)
- Environmental characterization for water availability (ARS Agronomy)
- Crop planning for erratic and aberrant weather conditions (ARS Agronomy)
- Stress physiology and resistance to drought (ARS Agronomy)
- Adaptation and management strategies for crop productivity under drought (ARS Agronomy)
- Preparation of appropriate crop plans for dryland areas (ARS Agronomy)
- Tillage, tilth, cultivation frequency, and depth in dryland farming (ARS Agronomy)
- Soil moisture conservation techniques and practices (ARS Agronomy)
- Use of mulches for soil moisture conservation (ARS Agronomy)
- Anti-transpirants for drought management (ARS Agronomy)
- Soil and crop management techniques in dryland farming (ARS Agronomy)
- Seeding techniques and efficient fertilizer use in dryland farming (ARS Agronomy)
- Concept of watershed resource management (ARS Agronomy)
- Objectives, concepts, and components of watershed management (ARS Agronomy)
- Steps in the implementation of watershed management (ARS Agronomy)
- Development of cropping systems for watershed areas (ARS Agronomy)
- Drainage methods and considerations in watershed management (ARS Agronomy)
- Land use capability classification (ARS Agronomy)
- Alternate land use systems in watersheds (ARS Agronomy)
- Agroforestry in watershed management (ARS Agronomy)
- Ley farming and its management (ARS Agronomy)
- Rehabilitation of abandoned jhum lands (ARS Agronomy)
- Measures to prevent soil erosion in watersheds (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-9: Integrated Farming Systems and Sustainable Agriculture (ARS Agronomy)
- Integrated farming systems: scope and importance (ARS Agronomy)
- Classification of integrated farming systems based on enterprises and land situations (ARS Agronomy)
- Integrated farming systems under rainfed and irrigated conditions (ARS Agronomy)
- Farming systems based on rotation, intensity, commercialization, water supply, and enterprises (ARS Agronomy)
- Concept of sustainability in integrated farming systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Sustainability parameters and indicators in integrated farming systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Efficient integrated farming systems based on economic viability and natural resources (ARS Agronomy)
- Production potential of different components in integrated farming systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Interaction and mechanism of different production factors in integrated farming systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Stability of integrated farming systems based on research and long-term information (ARS Agronomy)
- Eco-physiological approaches to intercropping in integrated farming systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Integration of components and adaptability in different farming systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Agroforestry systems in integrated farming (ARS Agronomy)
- Evaluation of different integrated farming system models (ARS Agronomy)
- Simulation models for intercropping in integrated farming (ARS Agronomy)
- Soil nutrient management in intercropping systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Formation of different integrated farming system models (ARS Agronomy)
- Recycling of organic waste in integrated farming systems (ARS Agronomy)
- New concepts and approaches in farming systems and organic farming (ARS Agronomy)
- Alternate land use systems in integrated farming (ARS Agronomy)
- Value addition, waste recycling, and mitigation of greenhouse gases (ARS Agronomy)
- Use of indigenous technical knowledge in integrated farming systems (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-10: Soil Conservation and Watershed Management (ARS Agronomy)
- Soil conservation and its methods (ARS Agronomy)
- Soil erosion: nature, extent, types, and factors affecting erosion (ARS Agronomy)
- Agronomic measures for soil conservation (ARS Agronomy)
- Mechanical measures for soil conservation (ARS Agronomy)
- Role of grasses and pastures in soil conservation (ARS Agronomy)
- Wind breaks and shelter belts for soil conservation (ARS Agronomy)
- Concept and objectives of watershed management (ARS Agronomy)
- Components and steps in watershed management (ARS Agronomy)
- Cropping systems for watershed areas (ARS Agronomy)
- Drainage methods and considerations in watershed management (ARS Agronomy)
- Land use capability classification (ARS Agronomy)
- Alternate land use systems in watersheds (ARS Agronomy)
- Agroforestry and ley farming in watershed management (ARS Agronomy)
- Rehabilitation of abandoned jhum lands (ARS Agronomy)
- Measures to prevent soil erosion in watersheds (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-11: Principles and Practices of Organic Farming (ARS Agronomy)
- Land, soil, and water management (ARS Agronomy)
- Role of conservation tillage (ARS Agronomy)
- Shelter zones, hedges, and pasture management (ARS Agronomy)
- Agro-forestry (ARS Agronomy)
- Organic farming: water use efficiency (ARS Agronomy)
- Soil fertility, nutrient recycling (ARS Agronomy)
- Organic residues (ARS Agronomy)
- Organic manures (ARS Agronomy)
- Composting (ARS Agronomy)
- Soil biota and decomposition of organic residues (ARS Agronomy)
- Methods for enrichment of crop residues with minerals, micronutrients, and fortification (ARS Agronomy)
- Earthworms and vermicompost (ARS Agronomy)
- Green manures (ARS Agronomy)
- Bio-fertilizers and biogas technology (ARS Agronomy)
- Preparation and use of farmyard manure, compost, green manures, vermicompost, biofertilizers, and other organic concentrates (ARS Agronomy)
- Recycling of organic wastes and residue management (ARS Agronomy)
- Organic farming systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Weed, insect pest, and disease management (ARS Agronomy)
- Biological agents and pheromones (ARS Agronomy)
- Bio-pesticides/botanicals for pest management (ARS Agronomy)
- Indigenous practices and their importance in plant protection (ARS Agronomy)
- Marketing and export potential of organic products (ARS Agronomy)
- Quality standards, inspection, certification, labeling, and accreditation procedures (ARS Agronomy)
- Organic farming and national economy (ARS Agronomy)
- Socio-economic impacts (ARS Agronomy)
- Organic farming ITKs (ARS Agronomy)
- Carbon and energy budgeting (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-12: Stress Crop Production (ARS Agronomy)
- Stress and strain terminology (ARS Agronomy)
- Causes and mechanisms of stresses in plants (ARS Agronomy)
- Reactive oxygen species (ROS), scavenger enzymes, hormone/growth regulators actions (ARS Agronomy)
- Mechanisms of drought tolerance (ARS Agronomy)
- Drought tolerance traits and their measurements (ARS Agronomy)
- Response of crops to acidity, salinity, sodicity, excess water, and nutrient imbalances (ARS Agronomy)
- Low-temperature stress: freezing injury and resistance in plants, chilling injury and resistance in plants (ARS Agronomy)
- Practical ways to overcome the effect of low-temperature stress (ARS Agronomy)
- High-temperature or heat stress: heat injury and resistance in plants (ARS Agronomy)
- Practical ways to overcome the effect of heat stress (ARS Agronomy)
- Water deficit stress: water deficit injury and resistance (ARS Agronomy)
- Practical ways to overcome the effect of water deficit stress (ARS Agronomy)
- Excess water or flooding stress: excess water stress injury and resistance (ARS Agronomy)
- Practical ways to overcome excess water stress (ARS Agronomy)
- Salt stress: salt stress injury and resistance in plants (ARS Agronomy)
- Practical ways to overcome the effect of salt stress (ARS Agronomy)
- Mechanical impedance of soil and its impact on plant growth (ARS Agronomy)
- Measures to overcome soil mechanical impedance (ARS Agronomy)
- Environmental pollution: air, soil, and water pollution (ARS Agronomy)
- Effects of environmental pollution on crop growth and quality of produce (ARS Agronomy)
- Ways and means to prevent environmental pollution (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-13: Agronomy of Major Cereal/Pulse/Oilseed/Fibre/Sugar Crops (ARS Agronomy)
- Origin, history, area, and production of major crops (ARS Agronomy)
- Classification and improved varieties (ARS Agronomy)
- Adaptability, climate, soil, and water requirements (ARS Agronomy)
- Cultural practices, nutrition, and quality components (ARS Agronomy)
- Handling and processing of the produce for maximum production (ARS Agronomy)
- Phenological studies at different growth stages of crops (ARS Agronomy)
- Estimation of crop yield based on yield attributes (ARS Agronomy)
- Formulation of cropping schemes for various farm sizes and calculation of cropping and rotational intensities (ARS Agronomy)
- Working out growth indices (CGR, RGR, NAR, LAI, LAD, LAR, LWR, SLA, SLW, etc.) (ARS Agronomy)
- Assessment of land use and yield advantage (ARS Agronomy)
- Determination of the cost of cultivation and harvest index of different crops (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-14: Agronomy of Fodder and Forage Crops (ARS Agronomy)
- Adaptation, distribution, and varietal improvement of important fodder crops (ARS Agronomy)
- Agro-techniques and quality aspects of fodder crops (ARS Agronomy)
- Anti-quality factors in fodder crops (ARS Agronomy)
- Year-round fodder production and management (ARS Agronomy)
- Preservation and utilization of forage and pasture crops (ARS Agronomy)
- Principles and methods of hay and silage making (ARS Agronomy)
- Chemical and biochemical changes, nutrient losses, and factors affecting the quality of hay and silage (ARS Agronomy)
- Improving nutrition through physical and chemical enrichments and biological methods (ARS Agronomy)
- Value addition of poor-quality fodder (ARS Agronomy)
- Fodder production through hydroponics (ARS Agronomy)
- Azolla cultivation (ARS Agronomy)
- Economics of forage cultivation (ARS Agronomy)
- Uses and seed production techniques of important fodder crops (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-15: Agronomy of Medicinal, Aromatic, and Underutilized Crops (ARS Agronomy)
- Importance of medicinal and aromatic plants (ARS Agronomy)
- Classification and uses of medicinal and aromatic plants (ARS Agronomy)
- Climate and soil requirements (ARS Agronomy)
- Cultural practices and yield of aromatic plants (ARS Agronomy)
- Underutilized crops and their yield (ARS Agronomy)
- Post-harvest handling, processing, grading, packing, and storage (ARS Agronomy)
- Value addition and quality standards in herbal products (ARS Agronomy)
- Methods of analysis of essential oil and other chemicals in medicinal and aromatic plants (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-16: Agrostology and Agro-forestry (ARS Agronomy)
- Definition and importance of agrostology (ARS Agronomy)
- Principles of grassland ecology (ARS Agronomy)
- Grass cover of India (ARS Agronomy)
- Problems and management of grasslands (ARS Agronomy)
- Importance, classification, and research needs of pastures (ARS Agronomy)
- Pasture establishment and improvement (ARS Agronomy)
- Common pasture grasses (ARS Agronomy)
- Definition and importance of agro-forestry (ARS Agronomy)
- Agro-forestry systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Crop production technology in agro-forestry and agrostology system (ARS Agronomy)
- Silvi-pastoral system and its meaning for wasteland development (ARS Agronomy)
- Selection of species and planting methods in agro-forestry systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Irrigation and manuring in agro-forestry systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Associative influence in agro-forestry systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Lopping and coppicing in agro-forestry systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Social acceptability and economic viability of agro-forestry systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Carbon and nutrient cycling and sequestration in different agro-forestry systems (ARS Agronomy)
- Climate change adaptation and mitigation potentials of agro-forestry systems (ARS Agronomy).
Unit-17: Agricultural Statistics (ARS Agronomy)
- Frequency distribution, standard error, and deviation (ARS Agronomy)
- Coefficient of variation (ARS Agronomy)
- Correlation and regression analyses (ARS Agronomy)
- Tests of significance (t test, F test, chi-square test) (ARS Agronomy)
- Data transformation and missing plot techniques (ARS Agronomy)
- Design of experiments and their basic principles (ARS Agronomy)
- Different experimental designs (completely randomized, randomized block, split plot, strip plot, factorial) (ARS Agronomy)
- Efficiency of designs (ARS Agronomy)
- Methods of statistical analysis for cropping systems, intercropping, and pooled analysis (ARS Agronomy)
- Contrast analysis and interpretation of tabular data (ARS Agronomy).
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