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M.Sc. in Genetics and Plant Breeding (GPB)

 M.Sc. in Genetics and Plant Breeding (GPB)


Course Structure - at a Glance








Course Contents




  • This  course  is  aimed  at  understanding  the  basic  concepts  of  genetics,  helping  students  to  develop  their  analytical,  quantitative  and  problem-  solving skills from classical to molecular genetics.  



  • UNIT I
  • Beginning  of  genetics;  Cell  structure  and  cell  division;  Early  concepts  of  inheritance,  Mendel's  laws;  Discussion  on  Mendel's  paper,  Chromosomal  theory of inheritance.  
  • Multiple  alleles,Gene  interactions.  Sex  determination,  differentiation  and  sex-linkage,   Sex-influenced   and   sex-limited   traits;   Linkage-detection,  estimation;  Recombination  and  genetic  mapping  in  eukaryotes,  Somatic  cell genetics, Extra chromosomal inheritance.  
  • Population   -   Mendelian   population   -   Random   mating   population   -  Frequencies  of  genes  and  genotypes-Causes  of  change:  Hardy-Weinberg  equilibrium.  
  • Structural  and  numerical  changes  in  chromosomes;  Nature,  structure  and  replication of the genetic material; Organization of DNA in chromosomes,  Genetic code; Protein biosynthesis.  
  • UNIT V
  • Genetic   fine   structure   analysis,   Allelic   complementation,   Split   genes,  Transposable     genetic     elements,     Overlapping     genes,     Pseudogenes,  Oncogenes, Gene families and clusters.  
  • Regulation  of  gene  activity  in  prokaryotes;  Molecular  mechanisms  of  mutation,  repair  and  suppression;  Bacterial  plasmids,  insertion  (IS)  and  transposable  (Tn)  elements;  Molecular  chaperones  and  gene  expression.  Gene regulation in eukaryotes, RNA editing.  
  • Gene isolation, synthesis and cloning, genomic and cDNA libraries, PCR-  based cloning, positional cloning; Nucleic acid hybridization and immuno-  chemical  detection;  DNA  sequencing;  DNA  restriction  and  modification,  Anti-sense RNA and ribozymes; Micro-RNAs (miRNAs). 
  • Genomics     and     proteomics;     Functional     and     pharmacogenomics;  Metagenomics.  
  • Methods   of   studying   polymorphism   at   biochemical   and   DNA   level;  Transgenic bacteria and bioethics; Gene silencing; genetics of mitochondria  and chloroplasts.  
  • UNIT X
  • Concepts  of  Eugenics,  Epigenetics,  Genetic  disorders  and  Behavioural  genetics.  



  • Laboratory   exercises   in probability   and   chi-square;   Demonstration   of genetic principles using laboratory organisms; Chromosome mapping using three point test cross; Tetrad analysis; Induction and detection of mutations through    genetic    tests;    DNA    extraction    and    PCR    amplification    - Electrophoresis   -   basic   principles   and   running   of   amplified   DNA   - Extraction  of  proteins  and  isozymes  -  use  of  Agrobacterium  mediated method   and   Biolistic   gun;   practical   demonstrations   -   Detection   of transgenes in the exposed plant material; visit to transgenic glasshouse and learning the practical considerations. 


Suggested Readings  

  • Gardner  EJ  &  Snustad  DP.  1991.  Principles  of  Genetics.  John  Wiley  &Sons. 
  • Klug WS & Cummings MR. 2003. Concepts of Genetics. Peterson Edu. 
  • Lewin B. 2008. Genes IX. Jones & Bartlett Publ. 
  • Russell PJ. 1998. Genetics. The Benjamin/Cummings Publ. Co. 
  • Snustad DP & Simmons MJ. 2006. Genetics. 4   Ed. John Wiley & Sons. Strickberger MW. 2005. Genetics (III Ed). Prentice Hall, New Delhi, India Tamarin RH. 1999. Principles of Genetics. Wm. C. Brown Publs. 
  • Uppal  S,  Yadav  R,  Subhadra  &  Saharan  RP.  2005.  Practical  Manual  on Basic and Applied Genetics. Dept. of Genetics, CCS HAU Hisar. 






  • To   provide   insight   into   structure   and   functions   of   chromosomes,  chromosome   mapping,   polyploidy   and   cytogenetic   aspects   of   crop  evolution.  



  • UNIT I
  • Architecture     of     chromosome     in     prokaryotes     and     eukaryotes;  Chromonemata, chromosome matrix, chromomeres, centromere, secondary  constriction and telomere; Artificial chromosome construction and its uses;  Special types of chromosomes.  
  • Chromosomal theory of inheritance - Cell Cycle and cell division - mitosis  and meiosis; Differences, significance and deviations - Synapsis, structure  and  function  of  synaptonemal  complex  and  spindle  apparatus,  anaphase  movement of chromosomes and crossing over-mechanisms and theories of  crossing  over-  recombination  models,  cytological  basis,  -  Variation  in  chromosome    structure:    Evolutionary    significance    -    Introduction    to  techniques  for  karyotyping;  Chromosome  banding  and  painting  -  in  situ  hybridization and various applications.  
  • Structural and Numerical variations of chromosomes and their implications  -   Symbols   and   terminologies   for   chromosome   numbers   -   euploidy   -  haploids,   diploids   and   polyploids   ;   Utilization   of   aneuploids   in   gene  location  -  Variation  in  chromosome  behaviour  -  somatic  segregation  and  chimeras - endomitosis and somatic reduction ; Evolutionary significance  of chromosomal aberrations - balanced lethals and chromosome complexes.  
  • Intervarietal chromosome substitutions; Polyploidy and role of polyploids  in    crop    breeding;    Evolutionary    advantages    of    autopolyploids    vs  allopolyploids  --  Role  of  aneuploids  in  basic  and  applied  aspects  of  crop  breeding,  their  maintenance  and  utilization  in  gene  mapping  and  gene  blocks  transfer  -  Alien  addition  and  substitution  lines  -  creation  and  utilization;  Apomixis  -  Evolutionary  and  genetic  problems  in  crops  with  apomixes.  
  • UNIT V
  • Reversion of autopolyploids to diploids; Genome mapping in polyploids -  Interspecific  hybridization  and  allopolyploids;  Synthesis  of  new  crops  (wheat,   triticale   and   brassica)   -   Hybrids   between   species   with   same  chromosome number,  alien  translocations  -  Hybrids  between species  with  different chromosome number; Gene transfer using amphidiploids - Bridge  species.  
  • Fertilization  barriers  in  crop  plants  at  pre-and  postfertilization  levels-  In vitro    techniques    to    overcome    the    fertilization    barriers    in    crops;  Chromosome   manipulations   in   wide   hybridization   ;   case   studies   -  Production and use of haploids, dihaploids and doubled haploids in genetics  and breeding.  



  • Learning  the  cytogenetics  laboratory,  various  chemicals  to  be  used  for  fixation,  dehydration,  embedding,  staining,  cleaning  etc.  -  Microscopy:  various  types  of  microscopes,  -  Observing  sections  of  specimen  using  Electron   microscope;   Preparing   specimen   for   observation   -   Fixative  preparation  and  fixing  specimen  for  light  microscopy  studies  in  cereals  -  Studies  on  the  course  of  mitosis  in  wheat,  pearl  millet  -  Studies  on  the  course of mitosis in onion and Aloe vera - Studies on the course of meiosis  in cereals, millets and pulses - Studies on the course of meiosis in oilseeds  and forage crops - Using micrometers and studying the pollen grain size in  various  crops  -Various  methods  of  staining  and  preparation  of  temporary  and permanent slides - Pollen germination in vivo and in vitro;  Microtomy  and  steps  in  microtomy;  Agents  employed  for  the  induction  of  various  ploidy levels; Solution preparation and application at seed, seedling level -  Identification of polyploids in different crops -  Induction and identification  of   haploids;   Anther   culture   and   Ovule   culture   -       Morphological  observations  on  synthesized  autopolyploids  -  Observations  on  C-mitosis,  learning   on   the  dynamics   of   spindle  fibre   assembly   -   Morphological  observations on alloployploids - Morphological observations on aneuploids  -    Cytogenetic    analysis    of    interspecific    and    intergeneric    crosses    -  
  • Maintenance of Cytogenetic stocks and their importance in crop breeding -  Various   ploidy   levels   due   to   somaclonal   variation   ;   Polyploidy   in  ornamental  crops.  -Fluorescent  in  situ  hybridization  (FISH)-  Genome  in situ hybridization GISH.  


Suggested Readings  

  • Becker K & Hardin. 2004. The World of Cell. 5   Ed. Pearson Edu.  th  Carroll M. 1989. Organelles. The Guilford Press.  
  • Charles B. 1993. Discussions in Cytogenetics. Prentice Hall.  
  • Darlington  CD  &  La  Cour  LF.  1969.  The  Handling  of  Chromosomes.  Georger Allen & Unwin Ltd.  
  • Elgin SCR. 1995. Chromatin Structure and Gene Expression. IRL Press.  
  • Gray P. 1954. The Mirotomist's Formulatory Guide. The Blakiston Co.  
  • Gupta  PK  &  Tsuchiya  T.  1991.  Chromosome  Engineering  in  Plants: 
  • Genetics, Breeding and Evolution. Part  A. Elsevier.  
  • Gupta PK. 2000. Cytogenetics. Rastogi Publ.  
  • Johannson DA. 1975. Plant Microtechnique. McGraw Hill.  
  • Karp  G.  1996.  Cell  and  Molecular  Biology:  Concepts  and  Experiments.  John Wiley & Sons.  
  • Khush GS. 1973. Cytogenetics of Aneuploids. Academic Press.  
  • Sharma  AK  &  Sharma  A.  1988.  Chromosome  Techniques:  Theory  and Practice. Butterworth.  
  • Sumner AT. 1982. Chromosome Banding. Unwin Hyman Publ.  
  • Swanson CP. 1960. Cytology and Cytogenetics. Macmillan & Co.  






  • To  impart  theoretical  knowledge  and  practical  skills  about  plant  breeding  objectives,  modes  of  reproduction  and  genetic  consequences,  breeding  methods for crop improvement.  



  • UNIT I
  • History of Plant Breeding (Pre and post-Mendelian era); Objectives of plant  breeding, characteristics improved by plant breeding; Patterns of Evolution  in Crop Plants- Centres of Origin-biodiversity and its significance.  
  • Genetic  basis  of  breeding  self-  and  cross  -  pollinated  crops  including  mating   systems   and   response   to   selection   -   nature   of   variability,  components   of   variation;   Heritability   and   genetic   advance,   genotype-  environment interaction; General and specific combining ability; Types of  gene actions and implications in plant breeding; Plant introduction and role  of plant genetic resources in plant breeding.  
  • Self-incompatibility and male sterility in crop plants and their commercial  exploitation.  
  • Pure  line  theory,  pure  line  selection  and  mass  selection  methods;  Line  breeding,  pedigree,  bulk,  backcross,  single  seed  descent  and  multiline  method;   Population   breeding   in   self-pollinated   crops   (diallel   selective  mating approach).  
  • Breeding  methods  in  cross  pollinated  crops;  Population  breeding-mass  selection  and  ear-to-row  methods;  S1  and  S2  progeny  testing,   progeny  selection   schemes,   recurrent   selection   schemes   for   intra   and   inter-  population  improvement  and  development  of  synthetics  and  composites;  Hybrid   breeding   -   genetical   and   physiological   basis   of   heterosis   and  inbreeding, production of inbreds, breeding approaches for improvement of  inbreds,   predicting  hybrid  performance;  seed  production  of  hybrid  and  their parent varieties/inbreds.  
  • UNIT V
  • Breeding methods in asexually/clonally propagated crops, clonal selection  apomixes, clonal selection.  UNIT VI
  • Self-incompatibility and male sterility in crop plants and their commercial  exploitation;  Concept of  plant  ideotype  and its  role in  crop  improvement;  Transgressive breeding.  
  • Special breeding techniques-  Mutation breeding;  Breeding for abiotic and  biotic stresses.  UNIT VIII
  • Cultivar   development-   testing,   release   and   notification,   maintenance  breeding,    Participatory    Plant    Breeding,    Plant    breeders'    rights    and  regulations for plant variety protection and farmers rights.  



  • Floral  biology  in  self  and  cross  pollinated  species,  selfing  and  crossing  techniques. Selection methods in segregating populations and evaluation of  breeding    material;   Analysis   of    variance    (ANOVA);    Estimation    of  heritability  and  genetic  advance;  Maintenance  of  experimental  records;  Learning techniques in hybrid seed production using male-sterility in field  crops.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Allard RW. 1981. Principles of Plant Breeding. John Wiley & Sons.  
  • Chopra VL. 2001. Breeding Field Crops. Oxford & IBH.  
  • Chopra VL. 2004. Plant Breeding. Oxford & IBH.  
  • Gupta SK. 2005.  Practical Plant Breeding. Agribios.  
  • Pohlman JM & Bothakur DN. 1972. Breeding Asian Field Crops. Oxford  & IBH.  
  • Roy  D.  2003.  Plant  Breeding,  Analysis  and  Exploitation  of  Variation.  Narosa Publ. House.  
  • Sharma   JR.   2001.   Principles   and   Practice   of   Plant   Breeding.   Tata  McGraw-Hill.  
  • Simmonds NW. 1990. Principles of Crop Improvement. English Language  Book Society.  
  • Singh BD. 2006. Plant Breeding. Kalyani.  
  • Singh P. 2002. Objective Genetics and Plant Breeding. Kalyani.  
  • Singh P. 2006. Essentials of Plant Breeding. Kalyani.  
  • Singh S & Pawar IS. 2006. Genetic Bases and Methods of Plant Breeding.  CBS.  






  • To   impart   theoretical   knowledge   and   computation   skills   regarding  component  of  variation  and  variances,  scales,  mating  designs  and  gene  effects.  


  • UNIT I
  • Mendelian  traits  vs  polygenic  traits  -  nature  of  quantitative  traits  and  its  inheritance - Multiple factor hypothesis - analysis of continuous variation;  Variations  associated  with  polygenic  traits  -  phenotypic,  genotypic  and  environmental  -  non-allelic  interactions;  Nature  of  gene  action  -  additive,  dominance, epistatic and linkage effects.  
  • Principles   of   Analysis   of   Variance   (ANOVA)   -   Expected   variance  components,   random   and   fixed   models;   MANOVA,   biplot   analysis;  Comparison of means and variances for significance.  
  • Designs  for  plant  breeding  experiments  -  principles  and  applications;  
  • Genetic   diversity   analysis   -   metroglyph,   cluster   and   D    analyses   -  Association analysis - phenotypic and genotypic correlations; Path analysis  and   Parent   -   progeny   regression   analysis;   Discriminant   function   and  principal  component  analyses;  Selection  indices  -  selection  of  parents;  Simultaneous  selection  models-  concepts  of  selection  -  heritability  and  genetic advance.  
  • Generation  mean  analysis;  Mating  designs-  Diallel,  partial  diallel,  line  x  tester  analysis, NCDs and TTC;   Concepts of combining ability  and gene  action;  Analysis  of  genotype  x  environment  interaction  -  adaptability  and  stability; Models for GxE analysis and stability parameters; AMMI analysis  - principles and interpretation.  
  • UNIT V
  • QTL mapping; Strategies for QTL mapping - desired populations for QTL  mapping - statistical methods in QTL mapping - QTL mapping in Genetic  analysis; Marker assisted selection (MAS) - Approaches to apply MAS in  Plant breeding - selection based on marker - simultaneous selection based  on marker and phenotype - factors influencing MAS.  



  • Problems   on   multiple   factors   inheritance   -   Partitioning   of   variance   -  
  • Estimation  of  heritability  and  genetic  advance  -  Covariance  analysis  -  
  • Metroglyph analysis - D   analysis - Grouping of clusters and interpretation  -  Cluster  analysis  -  Construction  of  cluster  diagrams  and  dendrograms  -  interpretation  -     Correlation  analysis  -  Path  analysis  -  Parent-progeny  regression analysis - Diallel analysis: Griffing's methods I and II - Diallel  analysis: Hayman's graphical approach - Diallel analysis: interpretation of  results   -   NCD   and   their   interpretations   -   Line   x   tester   analysis   and  interpretation of results -   Estimation of heterosis : standard, mid-parental  and   better-parental   heterosis   -   Estimation   of   inbreeding   depression   -  Generation  mean  analysis:  Analytical  part  and  Interpretation  -  Estimation  of different types of gene actions.  
  • Partitioning of phenotypic variance and covariance into components due to  genotypes,   environment   and   genotype   x   environment   interactions   -  Construction of saturated linkage maps and QTL mapping - Strategies for  QTL mapping; statistical methods in QTL mapping; Phenotype and Marker  linkage studies - Working out efficiency of selection  methods in different  populations    and   interpretation,    Biparental    mating,   Triallel    analysis,  Quadrallel  analysis  and  Triple  Test  Cross  (TTC)  -  use  of  softwares  in  analysis   and   result   interpretation,   Advanced   biometrical   models   for  combining  ability  analysis,  Models  in  stability  analysis    Additive  Main  Effect    and    Multiplicative    Interaction    (AMMI)    model    -    Principal  
  • Component Analysis model - Additive and multiplicative   model - Shifted  multiplicative model - Analysis and selection of genotypes - Methods and  steps  to  select  the  best  model  -  Selection  systems  -  Biplots  and  mapping  genotypes.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Bos I & Caligari P. 1995. Selection Methods in Plant Breeding. Chapman  & Hall.  
  • Falconer  DS  &  Mackay  J.  1998.  Introduction  to  Quantitative  Genetics.  Longman.  
  • Mather K & Jinks JL. 1971. Biometrical Genetics. Chapman & Hall.  
  • Mather   K   &   Jinks   JL.   1983.   Introduction   to   Biometrical   Genetics.  Chapman & Hall.  
  • Nadarajan   N   &   Gunasekaran   M.   2005.   Quantitative   Genetics   and Biometrical Techniques in Plant Breeding. Kalyani.  
  • Naryanan SS & Singh P. 2007. Biometrical Techniques in Plant Breeding. Kalyani. 
  • Singh P & Narayanan SS. 1993. Biometrical Techniques in Plant Breeding.  Kalyani.  
  • Singh  RK  &  Choudhary  BD.  1987.  Biometrical  Methods  in  Quantitative Genetics. Kalyani.  
  • Weir  DS.  1990.  Genetic  Data  Analysis.  Methods  for  Discrete  Population Genetic Data. Sinauer Associates.  
  • Wricke  G  &  Weber  WE.  1986.  Quantitative  Genetics  and  Selection  in Plant Breeding. Walter de Gruyter.  






  • To impart the knowledge about general principles of radiation and various  tests/methods for detection of radiation effects on the living cells, genetic  risks involved and perspectives of advances made.  



  • UNIT I
  • Mutation   and   its   history   -   Nature   and   classification   of   mutations:  spontaneous  and  induced  mutations,  micro  and  macro  mutations,  pre  and  post  adaptive  mutations  -  Detection  of  mutations  in  lower  and  higher  organisms - paramutations.  
  • Mutagenic  agents:  physical  --  Radiation  types  and  sources:  Ionising  and  non-ionizing  radiations  viz.,  X  rays,  γ  rays,  ,    and  β  particles,  protons,  neutrons  and  UV  rays  -  Radiobiology:  mechanism  of  action  of  various  radiations   (,   photoelectric   absorption,   Compton   scattering   and   pair  production) and their biological effects -RBE and LET relationships.  
  • Effect  of  mutations  on  DNA  -  Repair  mechanisms  operating  at  DNA,  chromosome,  cell  and  organism  level  to  counteract  the  mutation  effects  -  Dosimetry   -   Objects   and   methods   of   treatment   -   Factors   influencing  mutation:  dose  rate,  acute  vs  chronic  irradiation,  recurrent  irradiation,  enhancement   of   thermal   neutron   effects   -   Radiation   sensitivity   and  modifying  factors:  External  and  internal  sources-  Oxygen,  water  content,  temperature and nuclear volume.  
  • Chemical mutagens- Classification - Base analogues, antibiotics, alkylating  agents,  acridine  dyes  and  other  mutagens:  their  properties  and  mode  of  action - Dose determination and factors influencing chemical mutagenesis -  Treatment methods using physical and chemical mutagens -   Combination  treatments;   Other   causes   of   mutation   -   direct   and   indirect   action,  comparative evaluation of physical and chemical mutagens.  
  • UNIT V
  • Observing   mutagen   effects   in   M 1   generation:   plant   injury,   lethality,  sterility,  chimeras  etc.,  -  Observing  mutagen  effects  in  M  2  generation  -  Estimation   of   mutagenic   efficiency   and   effectiveness   -   spectrum   of  chlorophyll  and  viable  mutations  --  Mutations  in  traits  with  continuous  variation.  
  • Factors influencing the mutant spectrum: genotype,  type   of   mutagen   and  dose, pleiotropy and linkage etc. - Individual plant based mutation analysis  and   working   out   effectiveness   and   efficiency   in   M3   generation   -  Comparative evaluation of physical and chemical mutagens for creation of  variability in the same species - Case studies.  
  • Use  of  mutagens  in  creating  oligogenic  and  polygenic  variations  -  Case  studies - In vitro mutagenesis - callus and pollen irradiation; Handling of  segregating  genrations  and  selection  procedures;  Validation  of  mutants;  Mutation  breeding  for  various  traits  (disease  resistance,  insect  resistance,  quality   improvement,etc)   in   different   crops-   Procedures   for   micro-  mutations    breeding/polygenic    mutations-    Achievements    of    mutation  breeding-  varieties  released  across  the  world-  Problems  associated  with  mutation breeding.  
  • Use of mutagens in genomics, allele mining, TILLING.  



  • Learning the precautions on handling of mutagens; Dosimetry - Studies of  different   mutagenic   agents:   Physical   mutagens   -   Studies   of   different  mutagenic   agents:   Chemical   mutagens   -   Learning   on   Radioactivity   -  Production  of  source  and  isotopes  at  BRIT,  Trombay  -  Learning  about  gamma chamber; Radiation hazards - Monitoring - safety regulations and  safe  transportation  of  radioisotopes  -  Visit  to  radio  isotope  laboratory  ;  learning  on  safe  disposal  of  radioisotopes  -  Hazards  due  to  chemical  mutagens - Treating the plant propagules at different doses of physical and  chemical mutagens - Learning combined mutagenic treatments; Raising the  crop for observation - Mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency; Calculating  the same from earlier literature - Study of M1 generation - Parameters to be  observed;  Study  of  M  2  generation  -  Parameters  to  be  observed;  Mutation  breeding  in  cereals  and  pulses  -  Achievements  made  and  an  analysis  -  Mutation breeding in oilseeds and cotton - Achievements and opportunities  -  Mutation  breeding  in  forage  crops  and  vegetatively  propagated  crops;  
  • Procedure  for  detection  of  mutations  for  polygenic  traits  in  M  2  and  M3  generations.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Alper T. 1979. Cellular Radiobiology. Cambridge Univ. Press, London.  
  • Chadwick KH & Leenhouts HP. 1981. The Molecular Theory of Radiation Biology. Springer-Verlag.  
  • Cotton RGH, Edkin E & Forrest S. 2000. Mutation Detection: A Practical Approach. Oxford Univ. Press.  
  • International   Atomic   Energey   Agency.   1970.   Manual   on   Mutation Breeding. International Atomic Energey Agency, Vienna, Italy.  
  • Singh BD. 2003. Genetics. Kalyani.  
  • Strickberger MW. 2005. Genetics. 3              rd Ed. Prentice Hall.  






  • To impart knowledge on structure, properties and their breeding values of  different population.  



  • UNIT I
  • Population  -  Properties  of  population  -  Mendelian  population  -  Genetic  constitution of a population through time, space, age structure etc. Mating  systems   -   Random   mating   population   -   Frequencies   of   genes   and  genotypes-Causes  of  change:  population  size,  differences  in  fertility  and  viability, migration and mutation.  
  • Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium - Hardy-Weinberg law - Proof - Applications  of the Hardy-Weinberg law - Test of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium - Mating  frequencies - Non-dominance - Codominance - Snyder's ratio, importance  and its effect over random mating in succeeding generations.  
  • Multiple alleles - More than one locus - Sex linked genes; Use of gene and  genotypic frequencies evaluation in field population level; Interpretations -  Changes  of  gene  frequency  -  Migration  -  Mutation  -  Recurrent  and  non-  recurrent - Selection - Balance between selection and mutation - Selection  favouring heterozygotes - Overdominance for fitness.  
  • Non  random  mating:  selfing  -inbreeding  coefficient  -  panmictic  index  -  sibmating   -   Assortative   mating   and   disassortative   mating   -   Pedigree  populations and close inbreeding - Estimation of selection - Estimation of  disequilibrium - Estimation of linkage - Correlation   between relatives and  estimation of F; Effect of inbreeding and sibbing in cross pollinated crops.  
  • UNIT V
  • Gene   substitution   and   average   effects;   Breeding   value-   Genetic   drift;  Genetic  slippage,  Co-adapted  gene  complexes;  Homoeostasis-  Adapative  organization  of  gene  pools,  Polymorphism-  Balanced  and  Non-balanced  polymorphism,    heterozygous    advantage-    Survival    of    recessive    and  deleterious alleles in populations.  



  • Genetic exercise on probability; Estimation of gene frequencies; Exercises  on factors affecting gene frequencies; Estimation of average affect of gene  substitution   and   breeding   value;   Exercises   on   inbreeding   and   linkage  disequilibrium-  Cavalli's  joint  scaling  test;  Exercises  of  different  mating  designs;  Estimation  of  different  population  parameters  from  experimental  data;             Measurement              of         genotype-environment  interaction;    Genetic divergence.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Chawla  V  &  Yadava  RK.  2006.  Principles  of  Population  Genetics  -  A Practical Manual. Dept. of Genetics, CCS HAU Hisar.  
  • Falconer  DS  &  Mackay  J.1996.  Introduction  to  Quantitative  Genetics.  Longman.  
  • Jain  JP,  Jain  J  &  Parbhakaran,  VT.  1992.  Genetics  of  Populations.  South  Asia Books.  
  • Li CC. 1955. Population Genetics. The Univ. of Chicago Press.  
  • Mather K & Jinks JL. 1982. Biometrical Genetics. Chapman & Hall.  
  • Sorrens  D  &  Doniel  G.  2007.   Methods  in  Quantitative  Genetics.  Series:  
  • Statistics for Biology and Health.  Likelihood.  
  • Tomar SS. 1992. Text Book of Population Genetics. Universal Publication.  






  • To   provide   understanding   about   mechanisms   of   heterosis   and   its  exploitation     for     yield     improvement     through     conventional     and  biotechnological approaches.  



  • UNIT I
  • Historical aspect of heterosis - Nomenclature and definitions of heterosis -  Heterosis in natural population and inbred population; Evolutionary aspects  - Genetic consequences of selfing and crossing in self-and cross-pollinated  and asexually propagated crops crops.  
  • Pre Mendelian and Post-Mendelian ideas - Genetic theories of heterosis -  Physiological,  Biochemical  and  molecular  factors  underlining  heterosis;  theories and their estimation; - Evolutionary concepts of heterosis.  
  • Prediction   of   heterosis   from   various   crosses-   Inbreeding   depression,  frequency   of   inbreeding   and  residual   heterosis   in   F  2  and   segregating  populations,  importance  of  inbreeding  in  exploitation  of  heterosis  -  case  studies. - Relationship between genetic distance and expression of heterosis  -  case  studies;  Divergence  and  Genetic  Distance  analyses-morphological  and  molecular  genetic  distance  in  predicting  heterosis,  Development  of  heterotic pools in germplasm/genetic stocks and inbreds, their improvement  for increasing heterosis.  
  • Types of male sterility and use in heterosis breeding; Maintenance, transfer  and   restoration   of   different   types   of   male   sterility;   Use   of   self-  incompatibility in development of hybrids;  Hybrid seed production system:  3-line, 2-line and 1-line system; Development of inbreds and parental lines-  A,  B  and  R  lines  -  functional  male  sterility;  Commercial  exploitation  of  heterosis- maintenance breeding of parental lines in hybrids.  
  • UNIT V
  • Fixation   of   heterosis   in   self,   cross   and   often   cross   pollinated   crops,  asexually/clonally   propagated   crops;   Male   sterile   line   creation   and  diversification in self pollinated, cross pollinated and asexually propagated  crops;  problems  and  prospects;  Apomixis  in  fixing  heterosis-concept  of  single line hybrid.  
  • Organellar  heterosis  and  complementation  -  Creation  of  male  sterility  through genetic engineering and its exploitation in heterosis.  
  • Heterosis breeding in wheat, rice, cotton, maize, pearl millet, sorghum and  oilseed crops.  



  • Selection    indices    and    selection    differential    -    Calculations    and  interpretations   -   Male   sterile   line   characterization   in   millets;   Using  morphological  descriptors;  Restorer  line  identification  and  diversification  of  male  sterile  sources  -  Male  sterile  line  creation  in  dicots  comprising  oilseeds, pulses and cotton ; problems in creation of CGMS system; Ways  of   overcoming   them   -   Male   sterile   line   creation,   diversification   and  restoration  in  forage  crops;  Understanding  the  difficulties  in  breeding  apomicts;  Estimation  of  heterotic  parameters  in  self,  cross  and  asexually  propagated  crops    -    Estimation  from  the  various  models  for  heterosis  parameters  -Hybrid  seed  production  in  field  crops  -  an  account  on  the  released  hybrids;  their  potential;  Problems  and  ways  of  overcoming  it;  hybrid breeding at National and International level; Opportunities ahead.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Proceedings  of  Genetics  and  Exploitation  of  Heterosis  in  Crops  -  An  International Symposium CIMMYT, 1998.  
  • Akin E. 1979. The Geometry of Population Genetics. Springer-Verlag.  
  • Ben  Hiu  Lin.  1998.  Statistical  Genomics  -  Linkage,  Mapping  and  QTL Analysis. CRC Press.  
  • De Joung G. 1988. Population Genetics and Evolution. Springer-Verlag.  
  • Hartl DL. 2000. A Primer of Population Genetics. 3   Ed. Sinauer Assoc.  
  • Mettler  LE  &  Gregg  TG.  1969.  Population  Genetics  and  Evolution.  Prentice-Hall.    th  
  • Montgomery DC. 2001. Design and Analysis of Experiments. 5   Ed.,  Wiley & Sons.  
  • Richards AJ. 1986. Plant Breeding Systems. George Allen & Unwin.  
  • Srivastava S & Tyagi R. 1997. Selected Problems in Genetics. Vols. I, II.  Anmol Publ.  






  • To impart knowledge in theory and practice about cell structure, organelles  and their functions, molecules like proteins and nucleic acids.  



  • UNIT I
  • Ultrastructure of the cell; Differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic  cells,   macromolecules;     Structure   and   function   of   cell   wall,   nuclear  membrane and plasma membrane; Cellular Organelles - nucleus, plastids-  chloro/chromoplast,  mitochondria  endoplasmic  reticulum,  Golgi  complex,  lysosomes, peroxisomes.  
  • Bioenergetics;  Ultrastructure  and  function  of  mitochondria  and  biological  membranes;  Chloroplast  and  other  photosynthetic  organelles;  Interphase  nucleus-  Structure and chemical composition; Cell division and physiology  of cell division.  
  • Historical    background    of    molecular    genetics;    Genetic    material    in  organisms; Structure and properties of nucleic acid, DNA transcription and  its   regulation   -   Transcription   factors   and   their   role;   Genetic   code,  regulation of protein synthesis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes - ribosomes,  t-RNAs and translational factors.  
  • Transposable elements; Mechanisms of recombination in prokaryote; DNA  organization in eukaryotic chromosomes - DNA content variation, types of  DNA  sequences  -  Unique  and  repetitive  sequences;  organelle  genomes;  Gene  amplification  and  its  significance;  Proteomics  and  protein-protein  interaction;  Signal  transduction;   Genes  in development;   Cancer and  cell  aging.  



  • Morphological   and   Gram   staining   of   natural   bacteria;   Cultivation   of  bacteria  in  synthetic  medium;  Determination  of  growth  rate  and  doubling  time of bacterial cells in culture; Demonstration of bacteriophage by plaque  assay  method;  Determination  of  soluble  protein  content  in  a  bacterial  culture.  
  • Isolation,   purification   and   raising   clonal   population   of   a   bacterium;  Biological assay of bacteriophage and determination of phage population in  lysate;   Study   of      lytic   cycle   of   bacteriophage   by   one   step   growth  experiment; determination of latent period and burst size of phages per cell;  Quantitative   estimation   of   DNA,   RNA   and   protein   in   an   organism;  Numericals: problems and assignments.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Bruce A.2004.  Essential Cell Biology. Garland.  
  • Karp G.2004.  Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments.  John Wiley.  
  • Klug WS & Cummings MR 2003.  Concepts of Genetics. Scot, Foreman &  Co.  
  • Lewin B. 2008. IX Genes. John Wiley & Sons  
  • Lodish H, Berk A & Zipursky SL. 2004.  Molecular Cell Biology. 5   Ed.       th  WH Freeman.  
  • Nelson DL & Cox MM. 2005.  Lehninger's Principles of  Biochemistry.  WH Freeman & Co.  
  • Russell PJ. 1996.  Essential Genetics. Blackwell Scientific Publ.  
  • Schleif R.1986.  Genetics and Molecular Biology.  Addison-Wesley Publ.  Co.  






  • To  impart  knowledge  and  practical  skills  to  use  biotechnological  tools  in  crop improvement.  



  • UNIT I
  • Biotechnology  and  its  relevance  in  agriculture;  Definitions,  terminologies and scope in plant breeding. 
  • Tissue culture- History, callus, suspension cultures, cloning; Regeneration; Somatic embryogenesis; Anther culture; somatic hybridization techniques; Meristem, ovary and embryo culture; cryopreservation. 
  • Techniques  of  DNA  isolation,  quantification  and  analysis;  Genotyping; 
  • Sequencing    techniques;    Vectors,    vector    preparation    and    cloning, 
  • Biochemical   and   Molecular   markers:   morphological,   biochemical   and DNA-based   markers   (RFLP,   RAPD,   AFLP,   SSR,SNPs,   ESTs   etc.), mapping populations (F 2s, back crosses, RILs, NILs and DH). 
  • Molecular   mapping   and   tagging   of   agronomically   important   traits. Statistical tools in marker analysis, Robotics; Marker-assisted selection for qualitative  and  quantitative  traits;  QTLs  analysis  in  crop  plants,  Gene pyramiding. 
  • UNIT V
  • Marker    assisted    selection    and    molecular    breeding;    Genomics    and genoinformatics  for  crop  improvement;  Integrating  functional  genomics information   on   agronomically/economically   important   traits   in   plant breeding;   Marker-assisted   backcross   breeding   for   rapid   introgression, Generation of EDVs. 
  • Recombinant   DNA   technology,   transgenes,   method   of   transformation, selectable  markers  and  clean  transformation  techniques,  vector-mediated gene transfer, physical methods of gene transfer. Production of transgenic plants in various field crops: cotton, wheat, maize, rice, soybean, oilseeds, sugarcane etc. Commercial releases. 
  • Biotechnology  applications  in  male  sterility/hybrid  breeding,  molecular farming. 
  • MOs   and   related   issues   (risk   and   regulations);   GMO;   International regulations,  biosafety  issues  of  GMOs;  Regulatory  procedures  in  major countries   including   India,   ethical,   legal   and   social   issues;   Intellectual property rights 
  • Bioinformatics & Bioinformatics tools. 
  • UNIT X
  • Nanotechnology and its applications in crop improvement programmes. 



  • Requirements for plant tissue culture laboratory-Techniques in plant tissue culture - Media components and  media preparation -Aseptic manipulation of various explants ; observations on the contaminants occurring in media - interpretations   -   Inoculation   of   explants;   Callus   induction   and   plant regeneration    -    Plant    regeneration;    Standardizing    the    protocols    for regeneration;  Hardening  of  regenerated  plants;  Establishing  a  greenhouse  and hardening procedures - Visit to commercial micropropagation unit.  Transformation  using  Agrobacterium  strains,  GUS  assay  in  transformed  cells  /  tissues.  DNA  isolation,  DNA  purity  and  quantification  tests,  gel  electrophoresis  of  proteins  and  isozymes,  PCR-based  DNA  markers,  gel  scoring   and   data   analysis   for   tagging   and   phylogenetic   relationship,  construction of genetic linkage maps using computer software.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Chopra  VL  &  Nasim  A.  1990.  Genetic  Engineering  and  Biotechnology: 
  • Concepts, Methods and Applications. Oxford & IBH.  
  • Gupta PK. 1997. Elements of Biotechnology. Rastogi Publ.  
  • Hackett   PB,   Fuchs   JA   &   Messing   JW.   1988.   An   Introduction   to 
  • Recombinant   DNA   Technology   -   Basic   Experiments   in   Gene 
  • Manipulation. 2    Ed. Benjamin Publ. Co.  
  • Sambrook J & Russel D. 2001. Molecular Cloning - a Laboratory Manual.  
  • 3rd Ed. Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Press.  
  • Singh BD. 2005. Biotechnology, Expanding Horizons. Kalyani.  




  • To apprise about various abiotic and biotic stresses influencing crop yield, mechanisms and genetics of resistance and methods to breed stress resistant varieties. 





  • UNIT I
  • Importance  of  plant  breeding  with  special  reference  to   biotic  and  abiotic stress resistance; Classification of biotic stresses - major pests and diseases of   economically   important   crops   -   Concepts   in   insect   and   pathogen resistance;  Analysis  and  inheritance  of  resistance  variation;  Host  defence responses to pathogen invasions- Biochemical and molecular mechanisms; Acquired  and  induced  immunity  and  systemic  acquired  resistance  (SAR); Host-pathogen  interaction,  gene-for-gene  hypothesis,  molecular  evidence for its operation and exceptions; Concept of signal transduction and other host-defense mechanisms against viruses and bacteria. 
  • Types and genetic mechanisms of resistance to biotic stresses -Horizontal and  vertical  resistance  in  crop  plants.  Quantitative  resistance/Adult  plant resistance  and  Slow  rusting  resistance  -  Classical  and  molecular  breeding methods  -  Measuring  plant  resistance  using  plant  fitness;  Behavioural, physiological and insect gain studies. 
  • Phenotypic screening  methods for major pests and diseases; Recording of observations;   Correlating   the   observations   using   marker   data   -   Gene pyramiding methods and their implications. 
  • Classification   of   abiotic   stresses   -   Stress   inducing   factors   -moisture stress/drought      and      water      logging      &      submergence;      Acidity, salinity/alkalinity/sodicity;  High/low  temperature,  wind,  etc.  Stress  due  to soil factors and mineral toxicity; Physiological and Phenological responses; Emphasis of abiotic stresses in developing breeding methodologies. 
  • UNIT V
  • Genetics  of  abiotic  stress  resistance;  Genes  and  genomics  in  breeding  cultivars suitable to low water regimes and water logging & submergence,  high   and   low/freezing   temperatures;   Utilizing   MAS   procedures   for  identifying  resistant  types  in  important  crops  like  rice,  sorghum,  wheat,  cotton etc; Breeding for resistance to stresses caused by toxicity, deficiency  and pollutants/contaminants in soil, water and environment.  UNIT VI
  • Exploitation of wild relatives as a source of resistance to biotic and abiotic  factors  in  major  field  crops  -  Transgenics  in  management  of  biotic  and  abiotic stresses, use of toxins,  protease inhibitors, lectins, chitnases and Bt  for diseases and insect pest management- Achievements.  



  • Phenotypic  screening  techniques  for  sucking  pests  and  chewing  pests  -  Traits  to  be  observed  at  plant  and  insect  level  -  Phenotypic  screening  techniques for nematodes and borers; Ways of combating them; Breeding  strategies  -  Weeds  -  ecological,  environmental  impacts  on  the  crops;  Breeding for herbicide resistance - Evaluating the available populations like  
  • RIL,  NIL  etc.  for  pest  resistance;  Use  of  standard  MAS  procedures  -  Phenotypic  screening  methods  for  diseases  caused  by  fungi  and  bacteria;  Symptoms and data recording; use of MAS procedures - Screening forage  crops   for   resistance   to   sewage   water   and   tannery   effluents;   Quality  parameters  evaluation  -  Screening  crops  for  drought  and  flood  resistance;  factors  to  be  considered  and  breeding  strategies  -  Screening  varieties  of  major crops for acidity and alkalinity- their effects and breeding strategies;  Understanding the climatological parameters and predisposal of biotic and  abiotic stress factors- ways of combating them.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Blum A. 1988. Plant Breeding for Stress Environments. CRC Press.  
  • Christiansen MN & Lewis CF. 1982. Breeding Plants for Less Favourable Environments. Wiley International.  
  • Fritz  RS  &  Simms  EL.  (Eds.).  1992.  Plant  Resistance  to  Herbivores  and Pathogens:  Ecology,  Evolution  and  Genetics.  The  University  of  Chicago Press.  
  • Li PH & Sakai A. 1987. Plant Cold Hardiness. Liss, New York  
  • Luginpill  P.  1969.  Developing  Resistant  Plants  -  The  Ideal  Method  of Controlling Insects. USDA, ARS, Washington DC.  
  • Maxwell  FG  &  Jennings  PR.  (Eds.).  1980.  Breeding  Plants  Resistant  to Insects. John Wiley & Sons.  
  • Painter RH. 1951. Insect Resistance in Crop Plants. MacMillan, New York.  
  • Russel   GE.   1978.   Plant   Breeding   for   Pest   and   Disease   Resistance.  Butterworths.  
  • Sakai A & Larcher W. 1987. Frost Survival in Plants. Springer-Verlag.  
  • Turner NC & Kramer PJ. 1980. Adaptation of Plants to Water and High Temperature Stress. John Wiley & Sons.  
  • van  der  Plank  JE.  1982.  Host-Pathogen  Interactions  in  Plant  Disease.  Academic Press.  






  • To  provide  insight  into  recent  advances  in  improvement  of  cereals  and forage crops and sugarcane  using conventional and modern  biotechnological approaches.  



  • UNIT I
  • Rice: Evolution and distribution of species and forms - wild relatives and  germplasm;  Genetics  -  cytogenetics  and  genome  relationship  -  Breeding  objectives- yield, quality characters, biotic and abiotic stress resistance etc.  -   Hybrid   rice   breeding-   potential   and   outcome   -   Aerobic   rice,   its  implications and drought resistance breeding.  
  • Wheat: Evolution and distribution of species and forms - wild relatives and  germplasm;  cytogenetics  and  genome  relationship;  Breeding  objectives-  yield, quality characters, biotic and abiotic stress resistance, exploitation of  heterosis  etc; Sorghum:  Evolution  and  distribution  of  species  and  forms  -  wild  relatives  and  germplasm  -  cytogenetics  and  genome  relationship  -  Breeding  objectives-  yield,  quality  characters,  biotic  and  abiotic  stress  resistance etc; Pearl millet: Evolution and distribution of species and forms  -  wild  relatives  and  germplasm;  Cytogenetics  and  genome  relationship;  Breeding  objectives-  yield,  quality  characters,  biotic  and  abiotic  stress  resistance etc.  
  • Maize: Evolution and distribution of species and forms - wild relatives and  germplasm;  Cytogenetics  and  genome  relationship;  Breeding  objectives:  yield, quality characters, biotic and abiotic stress resistance etc - QPM and  Bt maize - strategies and implications - Heterosis breeding attempts taken  in   Sorghum,   Pearl   Millet   and   Maize;   Minor   millets:   Evolution   and  distribution   of   species   and   forms   -   wild   relatives   and   germplasm;  Cytogenetics and genome relationship - Minor millets: breeding objectives-  yield, quality characters, biotic and abiotic stress resistance etc.  UNIT IV
  • Sugarcane: Evolution and distribution of species and forms - wild relatives  and   germplasm;   Cytogenetics   and   genome   relationship   -   Breeding  objectives- yield, quality characters, biotic and abiotic stress resistance etc -  Forage  grasses:  Evolution  and  distribution  of  species  and  forms  -  Wild  relatives and germplasm; Cytogenetics and genome relationship; Breeding  objectives-  yield,  quality  characters  and  palatability  studies;    Biotic  and  abiotic stress resistance etc., synthetics, composites and apomixes.  
  • UNIT V
  • Forage  legumes:  Evolution  and  distribution  of  species  and  forms;  Wild  relatives and germplasm; Cytogenetics and genome relationship; Breeding  objectives- yield, quality characters, biotic and abiotic stress resistance etc -  Tree   fodders:   Evolution   and   distribution   of   species   and   forms;   Wild  relatives and germplasm; Cytogenetics and genome relationship; Breeding  objectives- yield, quality characters, biotic and abiotic stress resistance etc,  palatability studies.  
  • Distinguishing features of popular released varieties in Rice and Sorghum -  Wheat,  Pearl  millet,  Maize  and  other  millets  -  Sugarcane,  forage  grasses  and  legumes  and  their  application  to  DUS  testing  -  Maintenance  of  seed  purity - Nucleus and Breeder Seed Production.  



  • Floral biology - emasculation - pollination techniques ; Study of range of  variation   for   yield   and   yield   components   -   Study   of   segregating  populations and their evaluation - Trait based screening for stress resistance  in  crops  of  importance-  Use  of  descriptors  for  cataloguing    Germplasm  maintenance;   learning   on   the   Standard   Evaluation   System   (SES)   and  descriptors;     Use     of     softwares     for     database     management     and  retrieval.Practical  learning  on  the  cultivation  of  fodder  crop  species  on  sewage   water;   analysing   them  for   yield   components   and   palatability;  Laboratory analysis of forage crops for crude protein, digestibility percent  and  other  quality  attributes;  Visit  to  animal  feed  producing  factories,  learning the practice of value addition; visiting the animal husbandry unit  and   learning   the   animal   experiments   related   with   palatability   and  digestibility of fodder.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Agarwal RL. 1996. Identifying Characteristics of Crop Varieties. Oxford &  IBH.  
  • Bahl  PN  &  Salimath  PM.  1996.  Genetics,  Cytogenetics  and  Breeding  of Crop Plants. Vol. I. Pulses and Oilseeds. Oxford & IBH.  
  • Chandraratna MF. 1964. Genetics and Breeding of Rice. Longmans.  
  • Chopra VL & Prakash S. 2002. Evolution and Adaptation of Cereal Crops.  Oxford & IBH.  
  • Gill KS. 1991. Pearl Millet and its Improvement. ICAR.  
  • IRRI. 1964. Rice Genetics and Cytogenetics. Elsevier.  
  • IRRI. 1986. Rice Genetics. Proc. International Rice Genetics Symposium.  
  • IRRI, Los Banos, Manila, Philippines.  
  • IRRI.    1991.    Rice    Genetics    II.    Proc.    International    Rice    Genetics  Symposium. IRRI, Los Banos, Manila, Philippines.  
  • IRRI.    1996.    Rice    Genetics    III.    Proc.    International    Rice    Genetics  Symposium. IRRI, Los Banos, Manila, Philippines.  
  • IRRI.    2000.    Rice    Genetics    IV.    Proc.    International    Rice    Genetics  Symposium. IRRI, Los Banos, Manila, Philippines.  
  • Jennings  PR,  Coffman  WR  &  Kauffman  HE.  1979.  Rice  Improvement.  
  • IRRI, Los Banos, Manila, Philippines.  
  • Kannaiyan S, Uthamasamy S, Theodore RK & Palaniswamy S. 2002. New Dimensions     and     Approaches     for     Sustainable     Agriculture.  
  • Directorate of Extension Education, TNAU, Coimbatore.  
  • Murty DS, Tabo R & Ajayi O. 1994. Sorghum Hybrid Seed Production and Management. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India.  
  • Nanda JS. 1997. Manual on Rice Breeding. Kalyani.  
  • Ram HH & Singh HG. 1993. Crop Breeding and Genetics. Kalyani.  
  • Singh  HG,  Mishra  SN,  Singh  TB,  Ram  HH  &  Singh  DP.  (Eds.).  1994.  
  • Crop Breeding in India. International Book Distributing Co.  
  • Slafer  GA.  (Ed.).  1994.  Genetic  Improvement  of  Field  Crops.  Marcel  Dekker.  
  • Walden DB. 1978. Maize Breeding and Genetics. John Wiley & Sons.  






  • To  provide  insight  into  recent  advances  in  improvement  of  legumes,  oilseeds  and  fibre  crops  using  conventional  and  modern  biotechnological  approaches.  



  • UNIT I
  • Pigeonpea: Evolution and distribution of species and forms; Wild relatives  and    germplasm;    Genetics,    cytogenetics    and    genome    relationship;  Morphological   and   molecular   descriptors   used   for   differentiating   the  accessions; Breeding objectives- yield, quality characters, biotic and abiotic  stress  etc  -  Hybrid  technology;  maintenance  of  male  sterile,  fertile  and  restorer lines, progress made at ICRISAT and other Institutes.  
  • Chickpea: Evolution and distribution of species and forms - Wild relatives  and   germplasm   -    cytogenetics    and   genome   relationship;   Breeding  objectives-  yield,  quality  characters,  biotic  and  abiotic  stress  etc;  Protein  quality improvement; Conventional and modern plant breeding approaches,  progress made - Breeding for anti nutritional factors.  
  • Other  pulses:  Greengram,  blackgram,  fieldpea,  lentil,,  lathyrus,  cowpea,  lablab,   mothbean:   Evolution,   cytogenetics   and   genome   relationship;  Learning  the  descriptors;  Breeding  objectives-  yield,  quality  characters,  biotic   and   abiotic   stress   etc;   Interspecific   crosses   attempted   and   its  implications, reasons for failure, ways of overcoming them.  UNIT IV
  • Groundnut: Evolution and distribution of species and forms; Wild relatives  and  germplasm;  Cytogenetics  and  genome  relationship;  Pod  and  kernel  characters; Breeding objectives- yield, quality characters, biotic and abiotic  stress etc.  
  • UNIT V
  • Rapeseed and Mustard: Breeding objectives, utilization of wild relatives for  yield and quality  improvement, biotic and  abiotic stress etc; Oil quality  -  characteristics  in  different  oils;  Evolution  and  distribution  of  species  and  forms;  Wild  relatives and  germplasm;  Genetics,  cytogenetics  and genome  relationship.  
  • Soybean:  Breeding  objectives,  utilization  of  wild  relatives  for  yield  and  quality   improvement,   biotic   and   abiotic   stress   etc.   -   Oil   quality   -  characteristics;  Evolution  and  distribution  of  species  and  forms;  Wild  relatives and germplasm; Genetics, cytogenetics and genome relationship.  
  • Other  oilseed  crops:  Sunflower,  sesame,  safflower,  niger:  Evolution  and  distribution   of   species   and   forms;   Wild   relatives   and   germplasm;  Cytogenetics  and  genome  relationship;  breeding  objectives-  yield,  quality  characters, biotic and abiotic stress; Sunflower: Evolution and distribution  of  species  and  forms;  Wild  relatives  and  germplasm;  Cytogenetics  and  genome relationship, hybrid sunflower, constraints and achievements.  
  • Castor: Evolution and distribution of species and forms; Wild relatives and  germplasm;  Cytogenetics  and  genome  relationship,  breeding  objectives-  yield, quality characters, biotic and abiotic stress etc - Hybrid breeding in  castor - opportunities, constraints and achievements.  
  • Cotton: Evolution of cotton; Breeding objectives- yield, quality characters,  biotic and abiotic stress etc; Development and maintenance of male sterile  lines - Hybrid development and seed production - Scenario of Bt cottons,  evaluation  procedures  for  Bt  cotton.  Jute:  Evolution  and  distribution  of  species   and   forms;   Wild   relatives   and   germplasm;   Cytogenetics   and  genome  relationship;  breeding  objectives-  yield,  quality  characters,  biotic  and   abiotic   stress   etc;   Mesta   and   minor   fibre   crops:   Evolution   and  distribution   of   species   and   forms;   Wild   relatives   and   germplasm;  Cytogenetics  and  genome  relationship;  breeding  objectives-  yield,  quality  characters, biotic and abiotic stress etc.  
  • UNIT X
  • Distinguishing  features  of  the  released  varieties  in  pulses,  oilseeds  and  cotton; Maintenance of seed purity and seed production.  



  • Use  of  descriptors  for  cataloguing  -  Floral  biology  -  emasculation  -  pollination  techniques;  Study  of  range  of  variation  for  yield  and  yield  components  -  Study  of  segregating  populations  in  Redgram,  Greengram,  Blackgram   and other pulse crops; Attempting crosses between blackgram  and   greengram.   Use   of   descriptors   for   cataloguing   -   Floral   biology,  emasculation,   pollination   techniques   of   oilseed   crops   like   Sesame,  Groundnut,   Sunflower   and   Castor,   Cotton:   Use   of   descriptors   for  cataloguing  -  Floral  biology  -  Learning  on  the  crosses  between  different  species   -   Cotton:   Study   of   range   of   variation   for   yield   and   yield  components  -  Study  of  segregating  populations  -  evaluation  -  Trait  based  screening   for   stress   resistance   -   Cotton   fibre   quality   evaluation   -  conventional   and   modern   approaches;   analysing   the   lint   samples   of  different  species,  interspecific  and  interracial  derivatives  for  fibre  quality  and  interpretation  -Development  and  maintenance  of  male  sterile  lines  Evaluation  of  cotton  cultures  of  different  species  for  insect  and  disease  resistance   -   Learning   the   mechanisms   of   resistance,   quantifying   the  resistance  using  various  parameters;  Evaluating  the  germplasm  of  cotton  for  yield,  quality  and  resistance  parameters  -  learning  the  procedures  on  development  of  Bt  cotton  -  Visit  to  Cotton  Technology  Laboratory  and  Spinning Mills - Learning on cotton yarn production, its quality evaluation  and uses.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Agarwal RL. 1996. Identifying Characteristics of Crop Varieties. Oxford &  IBH.  
  • Bahl  PN  &  Salimath  PM.  1996.  Genetics,  Cytogenetics  and  Breeding  of Crop Plants. Vol. I. Pulses and Oilseeds. Oxford & IBH.  
  • Chahal  GS  &  Ghosal  SS.  2002.  Principles  and  Procedures  of  Plant Breeding - Biotechnological and Conventional Approaches. Narosa  Publ.  
  • Chopra VL. 1997. Plant Breeding. Oxford & IBH.  
  • Nath V & Lal C. 1995. Oilseeds in India. Westville Publ. House.  
  • Nigam J. 1996. Genetic Improvement of Oilseed Crops. Oxford & IBH.  
  • Ram HH & Singh HG. 1993. Crop Breeding and Genetics. Kalyani.  
  • Singh DP. 1991. Genetics and Breeding of Pulse Crops. Kalyani.  
  • Singh  HG,  Mishra  SN,  Singh  TB,  Ram  HH  &  Singh  DP.  (Eds.).  1994.  
  • Crop Breeding in India. International Book Distributing Co.  
  • Smartt J. 1994. The Groundnut Crop - a Scientific Basis for Improvement.  Chapman & Hall.  






  • To provide insight into recent advances in improvement of quality traits in  rice,  millets,  legumes,  oilseeds  and  forage  crops  and  for  physiological  efficiency using conventional and modern biotechnological approaches.  



  • UNIT I
  • Developmental biochemistry  and genetics of carbohydrates, proteins, fats,  vitamins, aminoacids and anti-nutritional factors - Nutritional improvement  - A human perspective - Breeding for grain quality parameters in rice and  its   analysis   -   Golden   rice   and   aromatic   rice   -   Breeding   strategies,  achievements and application in Indian context - Molecular basis of quality  traits and their manipulation in rice - Post harvest manipulation for quality  improvement.  
  • Breeding  for  baking  qualities  in  wheat;  Characters  to  be  considered  and  breeding  strategies  -  Molecular  and  cytogenetic  manipulation  for  quality  improvement  in  wheat  -  Breeding  for  quality  improvement  in  barley  and  oats.  
  • Breeding  for  quality  improvement  in  Sorghum  and  pearl  millet;  Quality  protein  maize  -  Concept  and  breeding  strategies  -  Breeding  for  quality  improvement in forage crops - Genetic resource management for sustaining  nutritive quality in crops.  
  • Breeding for quality in pulses - Breeding for quality in groundnut, sesame,  sunflower  and  minor  oilseeds  -  Molecular  basis  of  fat  formation  and  manipulation to achieve more PUFA in oil crops; Genetic manipulation for  quality improvement in cotton.  
  • UNIT V
  • Genetic  engineering  protocols  for  quality  improvement  -  Achievements  made - Value addition in crops; Classification and importance - Nutritional  genomics and Second generation transgenics.  



  • Grain    quality    evaluation    in    rice;    Correlating    ageing    and    quality  improvement   in   rice   -   Quality   analysis   in   millets;   Estimation   of  antinutritional   factors   like   tannins   in   different   varieties/hybrids;   A  comparison - Quality parameters evaluation in wheat;   Quality parameters  evaluation  in  pulses  -  Quality  parameters  evaluation  in  oilseeds;  Value  addition  in  crop  plants  ;  Post  harvest  processing  of  major  field  crops;  Quality improvement in crops through tissue culture techniques; Evaluating  the available populations like RIL, NIL etc. for quality improvement using  MAS procedures.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Chahal  GS  &  Ghosal  SS.  2002.  Principles  and  Procedures  of  Plant Breeding - Biotechnological and Conventional Approaches. Narosa  Publ.  
  • Chopra VL. 1997. Plant Breeding. Oxford & IBH.  
  • FAO  2001.  Speciality  Rices  of  the  World  -  Breeding,  Production  and Marketing.  Oxford & IBH.  
  • Ghosh P.  2004. Fibre Science and Technology. Tata McGraw Hill.  
  • nd 
  • Hay RK. 2006. Physiology of Crop Yield. 2    Ed. Blackwell.  
  • Nigam J. 1996. Genetic Improvement of Oilseed Crops. Oxford & IBH.  
  • Singh BD. 1997. Plant Breeding. Kalyani.  
  • Singh RK, Singh UK & Khush GS.  2000. Aromatic Rices. Oxford & IBH.  






  • To  provide  insight  into  recent   advances  in   the  phenomenon  of  gene regulation and mechanisms by which plants and microbes express different traits and how these are modified during different stages. 



  • UNIT I
  • Introduction:   Gene   regulation-purpose;   Process   and   mechanisms    in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of gene controls. 
  • Coordinated  genetic  regulation-examples-  Anthocyanin  and  gene  families and maize; Genetic and molecular basis depending on tissue specificity. UNIT III
  • Gene expression-Transposons in plant gene expression, cloning-transposon tagging; Light regulated gene expression-model systems in Arabidopsis and maize; Paramutations and imprinting of genes and genomes. 
  • Transgene  expression  and  gene  silencing  mechanisms;  Regulatory  genes- horizontal   and   vertical   homology;   Transformation-regulatory   genes   as visible markers; Reporter systems to study gene expression; Combinatorial gene control. 
  • UNIT V
  • Eukaryotic   transcriptional   control;   Translational   and   post-translational regulation; Signal transduction; Stress-induced gene expression; Gene traps and enhancer traps. 


Suggested Readings  

  • Lewin B. 2008. Genes IX.  John Wiley & Sons. 
  • Schleif R.1986.  Genetics and Molecular Biology.  Addison-Wesley. 
  • Russell PJ. 1996.  Essential Genetics.  Blackwell Scientific Publ. 
  • Brown TA. 2002.  Genomes. Bios Scientific Publ. 
  • Tamarin RH. 1999.  Principles of Genetics.  Wm C Brown Publ. 
  • Griffiths AJF. 2000.  An Introduction to Genetic Analysis.  WH Freeman. 
  • Hexter W & Yost HT. 1976.  The Science of Genetics.  Prentice Hall. 
  • Singer M & Berg P.1991.  Genes and Genomes.  John Wiley & Sons. 
  • Hartl DL & Jones EW. 1998.   Genetics Principles and Analysis.   Jones &  Barlett Publ.  
  • Micklos  DA  &  Freyer  G.  2003.    DNA  Science  -  A  First  Course.  CPL  Scientific Publ.  
  • Brooker  RJ.  2004.    Genetics  Analysis  and  Principles.    Addison-Wesley  Longman.  
  • Watson JD. 2004. Molecular Biology of the Gene. Pearson Edu.  






  • To apprise the students about the variety deterioration and steps to maintain  the purity of varieties & hybrids and principles of seed production in self &  cross pollinated crops.  


  • UNIT I
  • Variety Development and Maintenance; Definition- variety, cultivar,extant  variety,    essentially    derived    variety,    independently    derived    variety,  reference variety, farmers' variety, hybrid,and population; Variety testing,  release and notification systems in India and abroad.  
  • DUS testing- DUS Descriptors for major crops; Genetic purity concept and  maintenance breeding.  
  • Factors responsible for genetic deterioration of varieties - safeguards during  seed  production;  Maintenance  of  varieties  in  self  and  cross-pollination  crops- isolation distance; Principles of seed production; Methods of nucleus  and breeder seed production.  
  • Generation  system  of  seed  multiplication  -nucleus,  breeders,  foundation,  certified, - Quality seed production technology of self and cross-pollinated  crop  varieties  viz.  cereals  &  millets  (wheat,  barley,  paddy,  pearl millet,  sorghum,  maize  and  ragi  etc.);  Pulses  (greengram,  blackgram,  cowpea,  pigeonpea,   chickpea,   field pea,   lentil);   Oilseeds   (groundnut,   soybean,  sesame, castor, sunflower, safflower, linseed, rapeseed and mustard); fibres  (cotton,  jute)  and  forages  (guar,  forage  sorghum,  teosinte,  oats,  berseem,  lucerne).;   Seed   certification   procedures;   Seed   laws   and   plant   variety  protection regulations in India and international systems.  



  • Identification  of  suitable  areas/locations  for  seed  production;  Ear-to-row  method and nucleus seed production - Main characteristics of released and  notified  varieties,  hybrids  and  parental  lines;  Identification  of  important  weeds/objectionable   weeds;   Determination   of   isolation   distance   and  planting ratios in different crops; Seed production techniques of varieties in  different crops;  Hybrid seed production technology of important crops.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Agarwal RL. 1997.  Seed Technology. 2    Ed. Oxford & IBH.  nd  
  • Chhabra  AK.  2006.   Practical  Manual  of  Floral  Biology  of  Crop  Plants.  
  • Department of Plant Breeding. CCS HAU Hisar.  
  • Kelly AF. 1988.  Seed Production of Agricultural Crops.  Longman.  
  • McDonald MB Jr & Copeland LO. 1997.  Seed Production: Principles and Practices. Chapman & Hall.  
  • Musil AF. 1967.   Identification of Crop and Weed Seeds.   Handbook No.  
  • 219, USDA, Washington, DC.  
  • Poehlman JM & Borthakur D. 1969. Breeding Asian Field Crops. Oxford  & IBH.  
  • Singh BD. 2005.  Plant Breeding: Principles and Methods. Kalyani.  
  • Thompson JR. 1979.  An Introduction to Seed Technology.  Leonard Hill.  Tunwar NS & Singh SV. 1985.  Handbook of Cultivars.  ICAR.  






  • To provide information about collection, germplasm exchange, quarantine,  maintenance   and   use   of   plant   genetic   resources   including   genetically  modified plants.  



  • UNIT I
  • History and importance of germplasm exploration; Distribution and extent  of prevalent genetic diversity; Phyto-geographical regions/ecological zones  and associated diversity; Mapping eco-geographic distribution of diversity,  threatened habitats, use of flora.  
  • Concept  of  population  and  gene  pool;  Variations  in  population  and  their  classification;  Gene  frequencies  in  populations,  rare  and  common  alleles;  Gene   pool   sampling   in   self   and   cross   pollinated   and   vegetatively  propagated    species;    Non-selective,    random    and    selective    sampling  strategies;  Strategies  and  logistics  of  plant  exploration  and  collection;  Coarse and fine grid surveys; Practical problems in plant exploration; Use  of in vitro methods in germplasm collection.  
  • Ethnobotanical  aspects  of  PGR;  Crop botany,  farming  systems,  collecting  wild  relatives  of  crop  plants;  Collection  and  preservation  of  specimens;  Importance and use of herbaria and preparation of herbarium specimens.  
  • Post-exploration  handling  of  germplasm  collections;  Present  status  and  future strategies in collection of major crops of Indian origin such as rice,  maize,  sorghum,  sesame,  Brassica,  okra,  eggplant,  cotton,  mango  etc;  approaches for collection including indigenous knowledge.  
  • UNIT V
  • History,  principles,  objectives  and  importance  of  plant  introduction;  Pre-  requisites, conventions, national and international legislations and policies  on  germplasm  collection  and  exchange;  Documentation  and  information  management; Plant quarantine- introduction, history, principles, objectives  and relevance; Regulations  and  plant quarantine  set up  in  India;  Pest  risk  analysis, pest and pathogen information database; Quarantine in relation to  integrated  pest  management;  Economic  significance  of  seed-borne  pests  (insects,   mites,   non-insect   pests,   nematodes,   fungi,   bacteria,   viruses,  phytoplasma etc.).  
  • Detection and identification of pests including use of recent techniques like  ELISA,  PCR  etc.,  Symptoms  of  pest  damage,  salvaging  techniques  for  infested/infected    germplasm,    post-entry    quarantine    operation,    seed  treatment   and   other   prophylactic   treatments   and   facilities;   Domestic  quarantine;  seed  certification;  International  linkages  in  plant  quarantine;  weaknesses and future thrust.  
  • Genetically  modified  organisms  (GMOs)  or  genetically  engineered  plants  
  • (GEPs), Concepts of biosafety, risk analysis and consequences of spread of  GE   crops   on   the   environment;   Treaties   and   multilateral   agreements  governing trans-boundary movement of GEPs or GMOs, Indian regulatory  system for biosafety.  



  • Plant   exploration   and   collection;   Techniques   of   coarse   and   fine   grid  surveys;   Identification   of   wild   relatives   of   crop   plants-   Example   of  collection, cataloguing and preservation of specimens; Sampling techniques  of   plant   materials;   Visiting   ports,   airports   to   study   the   quarantine  regulations;  Techniques  for  the  detection  of  insects,  mites,  nematodes,  bacteria, weeds, pathogens and viruses on seed and planting materials and  salvaging;   Use of visual, qualitative, quantitative, microscopic, molecular  and   plant   growth   related   techniques(controlled   green   houses/growth  chambers,  etc);     Detection  of  GMOs  and  GEPs;  Study  of  post-entry  quarantine operation, seed treatment and other prophylactic treatments.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Briggs D. 1997. Plant Variation and Evolution. Science Publ.  
  • Cronquist  AJ.  1981.  An  Integrated  System  of  Classification  of  Flowering Plants. Columbia Univ. Press.  
  • Dhillon BS, Varaprasad KS, Kalyani S, Singh M, Archak S, Srivastava U  & Sharma GD.  2001.  Germplasm Conservation A Compendium of Achievements. NBPGR, New Delhi.  
  • di  Castri  F  &  Younes  T.  1996.  Biodiversity  Science  and  Development: 
  • Towards  New  Partnership.  CABI  &  International  Union  for  Biol.  Sci. France.  
  • Gurcharan   Singh.   2004.   Plant   Systematics:   An   Integrated   Approach.  Science Publ.  
  • Lawrence GMH. (Ed.). 1951. Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. London.  
  • Paroda RS & Arora RK. 1991. Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Management Concepts and Approaches. IPGRI Regional office for  South and South Asia, New Delhi.  
  • Pearson LC. 1995. The Diversity and Evolution of Plants. CRC Press.  
  • Singh BP. 1993.   Principles and Procedures of Exchange of Plant Genetic Resources  Conservation  and  Management.   Indo-US  PGR  Project  Management.  
  • Sivarajan VV. 1991. Introduction of Principles of Plant Taxonomy. Science  
  • Publ. 
  • Stace  CA.  Plant  Taxonomy  and  Biosystematics  2          nd  Ed.  Cambridge  Univ.  Press.  
  • Takhrajan  A.  1997.  Diversity  and  Classification  of  Flowering  Plants.  Columbia Univ. Press.  
  • Wiersema   JH.  1999.   World   Economic  Plants:   A   Standard   Reference.  
  • Blanca Leon.  






  • To train the students in germplasm data base management using modern tools  and softwares.  



  • UNIT I
  • Statistical  techniques  in  management  of  germplasm;  Core  identification,  estimation of sample size during plant explorations, impact of sampling on  population    structure,    sequential    sampling    for    viability    estimation;  Introduction  of  binomial,  normal  and  negative  cumulative  normal,  use  of  Probit  scales,  viability  equations  and  numograms;  Estimation  of  sample  size for storage and viability testing.  
  • Germplasm  documentation;  Basics  of  computer  and  operating  systems;  Database  management  system,  use  of  statistical  softwares,  pictorial  and  graphical representation of data; introduction to communication network.  
  • Germplasm management system- global scenario; Genetic variation in crop  plants  and  management  of  germplasm  collection,  limitations  in  use  of  germplasm   collections;   necessity   of   germplasm   evaluation;   Predictive  methods   for   identification   of   useful   germplasm;   Characterization   of  germplasm   and   evaluation   procedures   including   specific   traits;   Gene  markers and their use in PGR management.  
  • Management  and  utilization  of  germplasm  collections;  Concept  of  core  collection, molecular markers and their use in characterization; Evaluation  and  utilization  of  genetic  resources;  Pre-breeding/  genetic  enhancement,  utilizing    wild    species    for    crop    improvement;    Harmonizing    agro-  biodiversity     and     agricultural     development     crop     diversification-  participatory plant breeding.  



  • Basics   of   computer   and   operating   systems;   Identification   of   useful  germplasm,   evaluation   of   crop   germplasm;   Statistical   techniques   in  management  of  germplasm-  estimation  of  sample  size  for  storage  and  viability testing; Evaluation procedure and experimental protocols (designs  and   their   analysis),   Assessment   of   genetic   diversity;   Techniques   of  Characterization   of   germplasm;   Molecular   markers   and   their   use   in  characterization.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Painting KA, Perry MC, Denning RA & Ayad WG. 1993. Guide Book for Genetic Resources Documentation. IPGRI, Rome, Italy.  
  • Puzone L & Th. Hazekamp 1996. Characterization and Documentation of Genetic  Resources  Utilizing  Multimedia  Database.  NBPGR,  New  Delhi.  
  • Rana  RS,  Sapra  RL,  Agrawal  RC  &  Gambhir  R.  1991.  Plant  Genetic Resources, Documentation and Information Management. NBPGR,  
  • New Delhi.  






  • To   provide   information   about   collection,   evaluation,   documentation,  maintenance and use of plant genetic resources for crop improvement.  



  • UNIT I
  • Historical perspectives and need for PGR conservation; Importance of plant  genetic  resources;  Taxonomical  classification  of  cultivated  plants;  Gene  pool: primary, secondary and tertiary; Centres of origin and global pattern  of diversity; Basic genetic resources and transgenes.  
  • Principles,     strategies     and     practices     of     exploration,     collection,  characterization,  evaluation  and  cataloging  of  PGR;  Plant  quarantine  and  phytosanitary    certification;    Germplasm    introduction    and    exchange;  Principles of in vitro and cryopreservation.  
  • Germplasm conservation- in situ, ex situ, and on-farm; short, medium and  long  term  conservation  strategies  for  conservation  of  orthodox  seed  and  vegetatively propagated crops; Registration of plant genetic resources.  
  • PGR   data   base   management;   Multivariate   and   clustering   analysis,  descriptors;  National  and  international  protocols  for  PGR  management;  PGR for food and agriculture (PGRFA); PGR access and  benefit sharing;  Role of CGIAR system in the germplasm exchange; PBR, Farmers rights  and  privileges;  Seed  Act,  sui  generis  system;  Geographical  indicators,  Intellectual property; Patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets.  
  • UNIT V
  • Journey   from   wild   to   domestication;   Genetic   enhancement-   need   for  genetic enhancement; Genetic enhancement in pre Mendelian era and 21st  century;  Genetic  enhancement  and  plant  breeding;  Reasons  for  failure  in  genetic enhancement; Sources of genes/ traits- novel genes for quality.  
  • Distant Hybridization: Inter-specific, intergeneric hybridization, scope and  limitations, techniques to overcome the limitations; Gene transfer tools and  techniques into cultivated species; Validation of transferred genes and their  expression.  
  • Post-genomic  tools  for  genetic  enhancement  of  germplasm;  Prebreeding  through   chromosome   manipulation;   Application   of   biotechnology   for  Genetic enhancement-Achievements.  
  • Utilization of genetic resources, concept of core and mini-core collections,  genetic enhancement/Pre Breeding for crop improvement including hybrid  development.  


Suggested Readings  

  • Frankel  OH  &  Bennett  E.  1970.  Genetic  Resources  in  Plants  -  their Exploration and Conservation. Blackwell. 
  • Gautam PL, Dass BS, Srivastava U & Duhoon SS. 1998. Plant Germplasm Collecting: Principles and Procedures. NBPGR, New Delhi. 
  • Painting KA, Perry MC, Denning RA & Ayad WG. 1993. Guide Book for Genetic Resources Documentation. IPGRI, Rome, Italy. 
  • Paroda RS & Arora RK. 1991. Plant Genetic Resources, Conservation and Management. Concepts and Approaches. IPGRI Regional office for South and South Asia, New Delhi. 
  • Puzone L & Hazekamp TH. 1996. Characterization and Documentation of Genetic  Resources  Utilizing  Multimedia  Database.  NBPGR,  New Delhi. 
  • Rana  RS,  Sapra  RL,  Agrawal  RC  &  Gambhir  R.  1991.  Plant  Genetic Resources, Documentation and Information Management. NBPGR, New Delhi. 
  • Singh    RJ    &    Jauhar    PP.    2005.    Genetic    Resources,    Chromosomal Engineering  and  Crop  Improvement.  
  • Vol.  I.  Grain  Legumes,  Vol. II. Cereals. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA. 






  • To impart theoretical knowledge and computation methods for non allelic interactions, mating designs and component analysis and their significance in plant breeding. 



  • UNIT I
  • Basic  principles  of  Biometrical  Genetics;  Selection  of  parents;  Advanced biometrical models for combining ability  analysis; Simultaneous selection models;  Use  of  Multiple  regression  analysis  in  selection  of  genotypes; Designs and Systems; Selection of stable genotypes. 
  • Models  in stability  analysis - Pattern analysis - Additive Main  Effect and Multiplicative   Interaction   (AMMI)   analysis   and   other   related   models; Principal Component Analysis. 
  • Additive and multiplicative model - Shifted multiplicative model; Analysis and  selection  of  genotypes;  Methods  and  steps  to  select  the  best  model  - Biplots and mapping genotypes. 
  • Genetic architecture of quantitative traits; Conventional analyses to detect gene actions - Partitioning of phenotypic/genotypic variance - Construction of saturated  linkage  maps, concept of framework  map development; QTL mapping-  Strategies  for  QTL  mapping  -  desired  populations,  statistical methods; Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) - Approaches to apply MAS in Plant breeding - selection based on markers - simultaneous selection based on  marker  and  phenotype  -  Factors  influencing  MAS;  Heritability  of  the trait,   proportion   of   genetic   variance,   linkage   disequilibrium   between markers and traits and selection methods. 



  • Working  out  efficiency  of  selection  methods  in  different  populations  and interpretation - Biparental mating - use of softwares in analysis and result interpretation  -  Triallel  analysis-  use  of  softwares  in  analysis  and  result interpretation - Quadriallel analysis - use of softwares in analysis and result interpretation - Triple Test Cross (TTC) - use of softwares in analysis and result  interpretation  -  Advanced  biometrical  models  for  combining  ability analysis - Selection of stable genotypes using stability analysis; Models in stability  analysis     Additive  Main  Effect  and  Multiplicative  Interaction (AMMI)  model  -  Principal  Component  Analysis  model  -  Additive  and multiplicative     model   -   Shifted   multiplicative   model   -   Analysis   and selection  of  genotypes  -  Methods  and  steps  to  select  the  best  model  - Selection   systems   -   Biplots   and   mapping   genotypes.   Construction   of linkage  maps and QTL mapping - Strategies for QTL mapping; statistical methods in QTL mapping; Phenotype and Marker linkage studies. 


Suggested Readings  

  • Bos I & P Caligari. 1995. Selection Methods in Plant Breeding. Chapman & Hall. 
  • Falconer  DS  &  Mackay  J.  1996.  Introduction  to  Quantitative  Genetics. Longman. 
  • Mather K & Jinks L. 1983. Introduction to Biometrical Genetics. Chapman & Hall. 
  • Nadarajan   N   &   Gunasekaran   M.   2005.   Quantitative   Genetics   and Biometrical Techniques in Plant Breeding. Kalyani. 
  • Singh P & Narayanan SS. 1993. Biometrical Techniques in Plant Breeding. Kalyani. 
  • Singh  RK  &  Choudhary  BD.  1987.  Biometrical  Methods  in  Quantitative Genetics. Kalyani. 
  • Weir  DS.  1990.  Genetic  Data  Analysis.  Methods  for  Discrete  Population Genetic Data. Sinauer Associates. 
  • Wricke  G  &  Weber  WE.  1986.  Quantitative  Genetics  and  Selection  in Plant Breeding. Walter de Gruyter. 






  • To  impart  practical  skills  in  advanced  molecular  techniques  in  genome  mapping  structural/functional  genomics  and  development  of  transgenic  crops.  



  • UNIT I
  • Introduction   to   the   plant   genome-   Plant   nuclear   genomes   and   their  molecular description - The chloroplast and the mitochondrial genomes in  plants - Genome size and complexity.  
  • Establishment  of  plant  genome  mapping  projects  -  Genome  mapping  and  use of molecular markers in plant breeding; Strategies for mapping genes of  agronomic traits in plants- Approaches for mapping quantitative trait loci;  Map based cloning of plant genes.  
  • Regulation  of  Plant  gene  expression  -  Functional  genomics  -  Expression  Analysis    using    Microarrays    -    Transposon    tagging    and    Insertional  mutagenesis- methods and significance- Diversity Array Technology. 
  • Genome  sequencing  in  plants-Principles  and  Techniques;  Applications  of  sequence  information  in  plant  genome  analyses;  Comparative  genomics-  Genome Comparison Techniques- Classical and advanced approaches.  
  • UNIT V
  • Detection   of   Single   Nucleotide   Polymorphism;   TILLING   and   Eco-  TILLING;   Role   of   transcriptomics,   proteomics   and   metabolomics   in  linking genome and phenome; Importance of understanding the phenotypes  for  exploiting  the  outcome  of  genomic  technologies-  Knock  out  mutant  studies and high throughput phenotyping.  
  • Concept  of  database  development,  management  and  bioinformatics;  Plant  genome  projects  and  application  of  bioinformatics  tools  in  structural  and  functional genomics.  



  • Chromosome   analysis   in   major   field   crops   -   Fluorescence   in   situ  hybridization - Comparative genomic hybridization - Comparative analysis  of  plant  genomes  using  molecular  markers  -  Genetic  map  construction  using molecular markers - Mapping major genes using molecular markers  -  QTL  mapping  in  plants  -  Comparison  across  mapping  populations  -  Understanding   the   need   genetic   algorithms   in   QTL   mapping   -   Plant  Genome   Databases   -   Computational   tools   to   explore   plant   genome  databases  -  Comparative  genomics  -  Comparison  of  genome  sequences  using  tools  of bioinformatics- Advanced  genomic  technologies:  TILLING  and Eco-TILLING - DNA Array Technology - Linking genome sequences  to phenotypes: Tools of transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Baxevanis AD & Ouellette BFF. 2001. Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins. Wiley Interscience.  
  • Brown TA. 2002. Genomes. Wiley-LISS.  
  • Caetano-Anolles  G  &  Gresshoff  PM.  1998.  DNA  Markers:  Protocols, Applications and Overviews. Wiley-VCH.  
  • Cantor CR & Smith CL (2004). Genomics. Wiley, New York.  
  • Galas  DJ  &  McCormack  SJ.  2002.  Genomic  Technologies:  Present  and Future. Caister Academic Press.  
  • Jordan   BR.   2001.   DNA   Microarrays:   Gene   Expression   Applications.  Springer-Verlag.  
  • Liu BH. 1997. Statistical Genomics: Linkage, Mapping and QTL Analysis.  CRS Press.  
  • Lynch M & Walsh B. 1998. Genetics and Analysis of Quantitative Traits.  Sinauer Associates.  
  • Mount  DW.  2001.  Bioinformatics.  Sequence  and  Genome  Analysis.  Cold  Spring Harbor Laboratory Press..  
  • Palzkill T. 2002. Proteomics. Kluwer.  
  • Paterson AH. 1996. Genome Mapping in Plants. Academic Press.  
  • Pennington SR & Dunn MJ. 2002. Proteomics: From Protein Sequence to Function. Viva Books.  
  • Rampal JB. 2001. DNA Arrays: Methods and Protocols. Humana Press.  






  • This course focuses on the advanced techniques in analyzing chromosome  structure and manipulations for genome analysis in crop species.  



  • UNIT I
  • Organization  and  structure  of  genome  -  Genome  size  -  Organization  of  organellar    genomes    -    Nuclear    DNA    organization    -    Nuclear    and  Cytoplasmic  genome interactions and signal transduction;  Transcriptional  and Translational changes, Inheritance and expression of organellar DNA;  Variation  in  DNA  content  -  C  value  paradox;  Sequence  complexity  -  Introns  and  Exons  -  Repetitive  sequences  -  Role  of  repetitive  sequence.  
  • Karyotyping - Chromosome banding and chromosome painting; Tracking  introgressions    using    FISH,    GISH,    localization    and    mapping    of  genes/genomic segments; Distant hybridization - Role of polyploids in crop  evolution and breeding - auto and allopolyploids.  
  • Applications of cytogenetical methods for crop improvement; Location and  mapping   of   genes   on   chromosomes:   deficiency   method;   Interchange-  genetic  consequence,  identification  of  chromosomes  involved  and  gene  location;  balanced  lethal  systems,  their  maintenance  and  utility;  Multiple  interchanges-use  in  producing  inbreds,  transfer  of  genes-  linked  marker  methods;  Duplication  -  production  and  use;  Inversions  and  location  of  genes; B/A chromosome translocations and gene location.  
  • Trisomics- types, production, breeding behavior and location of genes, use  of  balanced  tertiary  trisomics  in  hybrid  seed  production;  Monosomics-  methods   of   production,   breeding   behavior   and   location   of   genes;  Intervarietal  substitutions-allelic  and  non-allelic  interactions;  Telocentric  method of mapping.  
  • UNIT V
  • Barriers   to   interspecific   and   intergeneric   hybridization-   Behaviour   of  interspecific     and     intergeneric     crosses;     Totipotency     of     cells     -  Morphogenesis: in vivo and in vitro - Meristem culture - anther and pollen  culture - ovule, ovary, embryo and endosperm culture - protoplast isolation  and    culture    -    protoplast    fusion,    Different    pathways    of    in    vitro  morphogenesis   -   organogenesis   and   somatic   embryogenesis;   in   vitro  mutant/somaclone selection for biotic and abiotic stresses.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Clark MS & Wall WJ. 1996. Chromosomes: The Complex Code. Chapman  & Hall.  
  • Conger   BV.   (Ed.).   1981.   Cloning   Agricultural   Plants   via   in   vitro Techniques. CRC Press.  
  • Constable  F  &  Vasil  IK.    (Eds.).  1988.  Cell  Culture  and  Somatic  Cell Genetics  of  Plants.  Vol.  V.  Cell  Culture  and  Phytochemicals  in Plant Cell Cultures. Academic Press.  
  • Lal  R  &  Lal  S.  (Eds.).  1990.  Crop  Improvement  Utilizing  Biotechnology.  CRC Press.  
  • Mantel SH & Smith H. 1983. Plant Biotechnology. Cambridge University  Press.  
  • Sen SK & Giles KL. (Eds.). 1983. Plant Cell Culture in Crop Improvement.  
  • Plenum Press.  






  • To impart theoretical knowledge and computation methods for non allelic  interactions, mating designs and component analysis and their significance  in plant breeding.  



  • UNIT I
  • Facts    about    plant    breeding    before    the    discovery    of    Mendelism;  Evolutionary concepts of genetics and plant breeding - Flower development  and  its  importance;  genes  governing  the  whorls  formation  and  various  models proposed; Mating systems and their exploitation in crop breeding;  Types of pollination, mechanisms promoting cross pollination.  
  • Self-   incompatibility   and   sterility   -   Types   of   self   incompatibility:  
  • Homomorphic   (sporophytic   and   gametophytic)   and   heteromorphic   -  Breakdown of incompatibility  - Floral  adaptive  mechanisms  - Spatial and  temporal - Genetic and biochemical basis of self incompatibility; Sterility:  male and female sterility - Types of male sterility: genic, cytoplasmic and  cytoplasmic-genic;  Exploitation  in  monocots  and  dicots,  difficulties  in  exploiting CGMS system in dicots - Case studies and breeding strategies;  Nucleocytoplasmic  interactions  with  special  reference  to  male  sterility  -  Genetic , biochemical and molecular bases.  
  • Population formation by hybridization - Types of populations - Mendelian  population,    gene    pool,    composites,    synthetics    etc.;    Principles    and  procedures  in  the  formation  of  a  complex  population;  Genetic  basis  of  population improvement. 
  • Selection  in  self  fertilizing  crops;  Creation  of genetic  variability  selection  methods  -  Selection  methods:  mass  selection,  pureline  selection,  pedigree  method    (selection    in    early    generations    vs    advanced    generations);  Backcross, polycross and test cross.  
  • UNIT V
  • Selection  in  cross  fertilizing  crops  -  Polycross  and  topcross  selections,  Mass  and  recurrent  selection  methods  and  their  modifications  -  Mass  selection: grided mass selection, ear to row selection, modified ear to row  selection;  Convergent  selection,  divergent  selection;  Recurrent  selection:  Simple  recurrent  selection  and  its  modifications  (restricted  phenotypic  selection,   selfed   progeny   selection   and   full   sib   recurrent   selection)   -  Recurrent  selection  for  general  combining  ability  (GCA)  -  Concepts  and  utilization  -  Recurrent  selection  for  specific  combining  ability  (SCA)  -  usefulness in hybrid breeding programmes - Reciprocal recurrent selection  
  • (Half   sib   reciprocal   recurrent   selection,   Half   sib   reciprocal   recurrent  selection  with  inbred  tester  and  Full  sib  reciprocal  recurrent  selection);  Selection in clonally propagated crops - Assumptions and realities.  
  • Genetic  engineering  technologies  to  create  male  sterility;  Prospects  and  problems  -  Use  of  self-  incompatability  and  sterility  in  plant  breeding  -  case   studies;   -   Fertility   restoration   in   male   sterile   lines   and   restorer  diversification programmes - Conversion of agronomically ideal genotypes  into  male  steriles  -  Concepts  and  breeding  strategies;  Case  studies  -  Generating  new cytonuclear interaction system for diversification of  male  steriles  -  Stability  of  male  sterile  lines  -  Environmental  influence  on  sterility-  Environmentally  Induced  Genic  Male  Sterility  (EGMS)  -  Types  of EGMS; Influence on their expression, genetic studies; Photo and thermo  sensitive   genetic   male   sterility   and   its   use   in   heterosis   breeding   -  Temperature sensitive genetic male sterility and its use heterosis breeding -  Apomixis   and   its  use   in     heterosis   breeding   -   Incongruity   -   Factors  influencing incongruity - Methods to overcome incongruity mechanisms.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Agarwal RL. 1996. Fundamentals of Plant Breeding and Hybrid Seed Production. Oxford & IBH.  
  • Allard RW. 1966. Principles of Plant Breeding. John Wiley & Sons.  
  • Briggs FN & Knowles PF. 1967. Introduction to Plant Breeding. Reinhold.  Fehr WR. 1987. Principles of Cultivar Development: Theory and Technique. Vol I. Macmillan.  
  • Hayes HK, Immer FR & Smith DC. 1955. Methods of Plant Breeding.  McGraw-Hill.  
  • Mandal AK, Ganguli PK & Banerji SP. 1995. Advances in Plant Breeding.  Vol. I, II. CBS.  
  • Richards AJ. 1986. Plant Breeding Systems. George Allen & Unwin.  
  • Sharma JR. 1994. Principles and Practice of Plant Breeding. Tata  McGraw-Hill.  
  • Simmonds NW. 1979. Principles of Crop Improvement. Longman.  
  • th 
  • Singh BD. 1997. Plant Breeding: Principles and Methods. 5   Ed., Kalyani.  
  • Singh P. 1996. Essentials of Plant Breeding. Kalyani.  
  • Welsh JR. 1981. Fundamentals of Plant Genetic and Breeding. John Wiley.  Williams W. 1964. Genetical Principles and Plant Breeding. Blackwell.  






  • To  impart  knowledge  on  crop  evolutionary  aspects  and  manipulation  at  ploidy level for crop improvement.  



  • UNIT I
  • Origin   and   evolution   of   species;   Centres   of   diversity/origin,   diffused  centres;   Time   and   place   of   domestication;   Patterns   of   evolution   and  domestication-examples and Case studies.  
  • Domestication and uniformity - Characteristics of early domestication and  changes - Concept of gene pools and crop evolution; Selection and Genetic  drift - Consequences.  
  • Speciation  and  domestication  -  The  process  of  speciation  -  Reproductive  isolation    barriers    -    Genetic    differentiation    during    speciation    -  Hybridization - speciation and extinction.  
  • Exploitation  of  natural  variation  -  Early  attempts  to  increase  variation  -  Distant    hybridization    and    introgression-    Inter-specific,    inter-generic  hybridization,    scope    and    limitations,    techniques    to    overcome    the  limitations;  Gene  transfer  into  cultivated  species,  tools  and  techniques;  Validation    of    transferred    genes    and    their    expression;    Controlled  introgressions.  
  • UNIT V
  • Processes in crop evolution and stabilization of polyploids, cytogenetic and  genetic   stabilization;   Genome   organization   -   Transgenesis   in   crop  evolution    -    Multifactorial    genome    -    Intragenomic    interaction    -  Intergenomic interaction - Genome introgression.  
  • Methods  to  study  crop  evolution  -  Contemporary  Methods  -  Based  on  morphological  features  -  Cytogenetic  analysis  -  Allozyme  variations  and  crop   evolution   -   DNA   markers,   genome   analysis   and   comparative  genomics.  
  • Evolutionary  significance of  polyploidy, Evolution of  crop plants  through  ploidy    manipulations;    polyploids:    methods,    use    of    autopolyploids;  haploidy-method  of  production  and  use;  allopolyploids-  synthesis  of  new  crops;  -  Case  studies  -  Cereals  -  Pulses  -  Oilseeds  -  vegetables,  Fibre  crops - Plantation crops - Forage crops - Tuber crops - Medicinal Plants.  


Suggested Readings  

  • Hancock JF. 2004. Plant Evolution and the Origin of Crop Species. 2    Ed.           nd  CABI.  
  • Ladizinsky G. 1999. Evolution and Domestication. Springer.  
  • Miller AJ. 2007. Crop Plants: Evolution. John Wiley & Sons.  
  • Smartt J & Simmonds NW. 1995. Evolution of Crop Plants. Blackwell.  






  • To   impart   theoretical   knowledge   and   practical   know-how   towards  physiological   efficiency,   nutritional   enhancement,   biofortification   and  industrial/pharma applications in plant breeding.  



  • UNIT I
  • Breeding of crop ideotypes; Genetic manipulations through recombination  breeding, genomics and transgenics for physiological efficiency, nutritional  enhancement, special compounds-proteins, vaccines, gums, starch and fats.  
  • Physiological   efficiency   as   a   concept,   parametric   and   whole   plant  physiology  in integrated  mode; Physiological  mechanism of improvement  in   nutrient   use   efficiency,   water   use   efficiency,   osmotic   adjustment,  photosynthetic  efficiency,  stay  green  trait  and  its  significance  in  crop  improvement.  
  • Improvement    in    yield    potential    under    suboptimal    conditions    by  manipulating     source     and     sink,     canopy     architecture,     plant-water  relationships, effect of suboptimal conditions on cardinal plant growth and  development  processes,  enhancing  input  use  efficiency  through  genetic  manipulations.  
  • Breeding  for  special  traits  viz.  oil,  protein,  vitamins,  amino  acids  etc.;  Concept  of  biopharming  and  development  of  varieties  producing  targeted  compounds,   nutraceuticals   and   industrial   products;   Success   stories   in  vaccines, modified sugars, gums and starch through biopharming  
  • UNIT V
  • Biosafety management, segregation and isolation requirements in designer  crop production and post-harvest management  
  • Practical 
  • Demonstration  of  plant  responses  to  stresses  through  recent  techniques;  Water  use  efficiency,  transpiration  efficiency,  screening  techniques  under  stress    conditions    such    as    electrolyte    leakage,    TTC,    chlorophyll  fluorescence,    canopy    temperature    depression,    stomatal    conductance,  chlorophyll estimation, heat/drought/salt  shock proteins.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Balint   A.   1984.   Physiological   Genetics   of   Agricultural   Crops.   AK  Ademiaikiado.  
  • Hay RK. 2006. Physiology of Crop Yield. 2    Ed. Blackwell.  nd  
  • Pessarakli  M.  1995.  Handbook  of  Plant  and  Crop  Physiology.  Marcel  Dekker.  
  • Taiz L & Zeiger E. 2006. Plant Physiology. 4   Ed. Sinauer Associates.  th  






  • To provide insight into recent advances in improvement of cereals, millets  and  non  cereal  crops  using  conventional  and  modern  biotechnological  approaches.  



  • UNIT I
  • History,  description,  classification,  origin  and  phylogenetic  relationship,  genome status in cultivated and alien species of major cereals, millets and  non  cereal  crops  like  Rice,  Wheat,  Maize,  Pearl Millet,  Sorghum  ,  Pulses,  oilseeds, cotton, sugarcane, arid legumes and other forage crops etc.  
  • Breeding  objectives  in  rice,  wheat,  maize,  pearl millet,  sorghum,  pulses,  oilseeds,   cotton,   sugarcane,   arid   legumes  and   other   forage  crops   etc.  Genetic   resources   and   their   utilization;   Genetics   of   quantitative   and  qualitative traits.  
  • Breeding for value addition and resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses.  
  • Conventional  (line  breeding,  population  improvement,  hybrids)  and  other  approaches  (DH  Populations,  Marker  Assisted  Breeding,  Development  of  new male sterility systems), transgenics.  
  • UNIT V
  • National  and  International  accomplishments  in  genetic  improvement  of  major field crops and their seed production.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Chopra VL. 2001. Breeding Field Crops - Theory and Practice. Oxford &  IBH.  
  • Davis  DD.1978.  Hybrid  Cotton  Specific  Problems  and  Potentials.  Adv.  
  • Agron. 30: 129-157.  
  • Heyne  EG.  1987.  Wheat  and  Wheat  Improvement.  2  nd  Ed.  ASA,  CSSA,  SSSA Inc Publ.  
  • Khairwal,  IS,  Rai  KN  &  Harinaryanan  H.  (Eds.).  1999.  Pearl  Millet Breeding. Oxford & IBH.  
  • Khairwal  I,  Ram  C  &  Chhabra  AK.  1990.  Pearl  Millet  Seed  Production and Technology. Manohar Publ.  
  • Nagarajan S, Singh G & Tyagi BS. 1998. Wheat Research Needs Beyond 2000 AD. Narosa.  
  • Nanda  JS.  2000.  Rice  Breeding  and  Genetics  -  Research  Priorities  and Challenges. Oxford & IBH.  
  • Rao  VS,  Singh  G  &  Misra  SC.  2004.  Wheat:  Technologies  for  Warmer Areas. Annamayya Publ.  
  • Reynolds  MP,  Rajaram  S,  McNab  A.  1996.  Increasing  Yield  Potential  in Wheat:  Breaking  the  Barriers.  Proc.  Workshop  held  in  Ciudad,  Obregon, Sonora, Mexico.  
  • Seth BL, Sikka SM, Dastur RH, Maheshwari P,   Rangaswamy NS & Josi  AB. 1960. Cotton in India - A Monograph. Vol. I. ICAR.  
  • Singh BD. 2006. Plant Breeding - Principles and Methods. Kalyani.  
  • Singh P & Singh S. 1998. Heterosis Breeding in Cotton. Kalyani.  
  • Singh P. 1998. Cotton Breeding. Kalyani.  
  • Singh S & Singh P. 2006. Trends in Wheat Breeding.  Kalyani Publ.  






  • The  objective   of   this   course   is   to   apprise   the  students   of   molecular  processes at DNA  and  RNA  level  in  different  microorganisms,  especially  bacteria and viruses.  



  • UNIT I
  • Nature of bacterial variation; Molecular aspects of mutation; Episomes and  plasmids; Gene mapping in bacteria; Life cycle of bacteriophages; Genetic  fine analysis of rII locus;  Circular genetic map of phage T4; Transposable  elements;  Gene  manipulation;  Biochemical  genetics  of  Neurospora  and Saccharomyces ; One gene - one enzyme hypothesis.  
  • Regulation  of  gene  activity  in  prokaryotes;  Molecular  mechanisms  of  mutation,   repair    and    suppression;   Molecular   chaperones   and   gene  expression; Genetic basis of apoptosis.  
  • Transgenic  bacteria  and  bioethics;  genetic  basis  of  nodulation,  nitrogen  fixation and competition by rhizobia, genetic regulation of nitrogen fixation  and quorum sensing in rhizobia; genetics of mitochondria and chloroplasts.  



  • Preparation  and  sterilization  of  liquid  and  agar  bacterial  nutrient  media;  Assessment of generation time in the log-phase bacterial cultures.  
  • Handling of microorganisms for genetic experiments; Isolation of rhizobia  from    nodules;    Gram    staining    of    rhizobial    cells;    Examination    of  polyhydroxy butyrate (PHB) production in rhizobia; Demonstration of N 2-  fixing  nodules/bacterial  inoculation  in  the  legume-  Rhizobium  symbiotic  system.  
  • Induction, isolation and  characterization of auxotrophic and drug resistant  mutants  in  bacteria;  determination  of  spontaneous  and  induced  mutation  frequencies; Discrete bacterial colony counts for the preparation of survival  curves and determination of LD 50 of a mutagen.  
  • Tn-mediated mutagenesis; Analysis and isolation of plasmid DNA; Curing  of plasmids.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Brooker  RJ.  2004.    Genetics  Analysis  and  Principles.    Addison-Wesley  Longman.  
  • Brown TA. 2002.  Genomes. Bios Scientific Publ.  
  • Griffiths AJF. 2000.  An Introduction to Genetic Analysis.  WH Freeman.  
  • Hexter W & Yost HT 1976.  The Science of Genetics.  Prentice Hall.  
  • Karp  G.  2004.   Cell  and  Molecular  Biology:  Concepts  and  Experiments.  John Wiley.  
  • Lewin B. 2008. Genes IX. John Wiley & Sons.  
  • Russell PJ. 1996.  Essential Genetics.  Blackwell Scientific Publ.  
  • Russell PJ. 1996.  Essential Genetics. Blackwell Scientific Publ.  
  • Schleif R.1986.   Genetics and Molecular Biology.   Addison-Wesley Publ.  Co.  
  • Tamarin RH. 1999.  Principles of Genetics.  Wm C Brown Publ.  Watson JD. 2004. Molecular Bilology of the Gene. Pearson Edu.  
  • Yadav  AS,  Vasudeva  M,  Kharab  P  &  Vashishat  RK.  2002.  Practical Manual  on  Microbial  and  Molecular  Genetics.  Dept.  of  Genetics,  CCS HAU Hisar.  






  • To impart knowledge on the methods of germplasm conservation. 



  • UNIT I
  • Concept of natural reserves and natural gene banks, In situ conservation of wild  species  in  nature  reserves:  in  situ  conservation  components,  factors influencing  conservation  value,  national  plan  for  in  situ  conservation;  in situ  conservation  of  agro-biodiversity  on-farm;  scientific  basis  of  in  situ conservation on-fram, building on-farm conservation initiatives,  implementation of on-farm conservation, management of in situ conserved  genetic  diversity  on-farm,  enhancing  benefits  for  farmers  from  local  crop  diversity.  
  • Ex situ  conservation:  components,  plant genetic  resources  conservation  in  gene banks, national gene banks, gene repositories, preservation of genetic  materials under natural conditions, perma-frost conservation, guidelines for  sending   seeds   to   network   of   active/   working   collections,   orthodox,  recalcitrant   seeds-  differences   in  handling  ,clonal  repositories,  genetic  stability under long term storage condition.  
  • In vitro  storage, maintenance of in vitro culture under different conditions,  in  vitro  bank  maintenance  for  temperate  and  tropical  fruit  crop  species,  spices,  tubers,  bulbous  crops,  medicinal  and  endangered  plant  species,  conservation  of  embryos  and  ovules,  cell/suspension  cultures,  protoplast  and callus cultures, pollen culture, micropropagation techniques, problems ,  prospects of in vitro gene bank.  
  • Cryopreservation-    procedure    for    handling    seeds    of    orthodox    and  recalcitrants-cryoprotectants,desiccation,   rapid   freezing,   slow   freezing,  vitrification   techniques,   encapsulation/dehydration   techniques,   national  facilities,   achievements,   application   of   cryopreservation   in   agriculture,  horticulture and forestry crops.Problems and prospects; challenges aheads.  
  • Practical 
  • In   situ   conservation   of   wild   species   -case   studies   at   national   and  international    levels-    ex    situ    techniques    for    active    and    long-term  conservation   of   collections-   Preparation   and   handling   of   materials,  packaging,  documentation;  design  of  cold  storage  modules-  Conservation  protocols   for   recalcitrant   and   orthodox   seeds;   Cytological   studies   for  assessing   genetic   stability,   in   vitro   cultures-   embryo,cell/suspension  cultures,pollen   cultures,   study   of   cryotank   facility   and   vitrification  techniques,  visit  to  NBPGR/NBAGR  -study  using  fruit  crops  and  other  horticultural crops.  


Suggested Readings 

  • Ellis  RH  &  Roberts  EH  &  White  Head  J.  1980.   A  New  More  Economic and  Accurate  Approach  to  Monitor  the  Viability  of  Accessions During Storage in Seed Banks. FAO / IBPGR Pl. Genet. Resources  News 41-3-18.  
  • Frankel OH & Hawkes JG. 1975.   Crop Genetic Resources for Today and Tomorrow. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.  
  • Simmonds, N.W. 1979.  Principles of Crop Improvement Longman.  
  • Westwood MN. 1986.   Operation Manual for National Clonal Germplasm Repository  Processed  Report.  USDA-ARS  and  Orgon  State  Univ.  Oregon, USA.  
  • Withers  LA.  1980.  Tissue  Culture  Storage  for  Genetic   Conservation.  IBPGR Tech. Rep. IBPGR, Rome, Italy.  





List of Journals

  • Australian Journal of Biological Sciences, Australia 
  • Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, Australia 
  • Biometrics, UK 
  • BioTechniques 
  • Cereal Research Communication, Hungary 
  • Cotton Research and Development, Hisar, India 
  • Crop Improvement, Ludhiana 
  • Crop Science, USA 
  • Current Science, Bangalore 
  • Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 
  • Czech Journal of Plant Breeding Genetics, Prague, 
  • Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 
  • Euphytica, The Netherlands 
  • FABIS Newsletter 
  • Forage Research, Hisar, India 
  • Genetics, USA 
  • Genome, Canada 
  • Genetic resources and crop evolution, Netherlands 
  • Haryana Agricultural University Journal of Research, Hisar, India Heredity 
  • Hilgardia, Sweden, 
  • Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, New Delhi 
  • Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, New Delhi 
  • Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, New DelhiInternational Chickpea Newsletter, ICRISAT 
  • International Rice Research Notes, IRRI, Philippines 
  • Journal of Agricultural Research, U.K. 
  • Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, New Delhi 
  • Journal of Genetics and Breeding, Italy 
  • Journal of Heredity 
  • Journal of Pulses Research, Kanpur 
  • Legume Research, Karnal 
  • MILWAI Newsletter 
  • Madras Agricultural Journal, Coimbatore, India 
  • Molecular Breeding, USA 
  • Mutation Research 
  • National Journal of Plant Sciences, Hisar, India 
  • Nucleic Acids Research, USA 
  • Oryza, Cuttack, India 
  • PGR Newsletter, Syria 
  • Plant Breeding, Germany 
  • Plant Molecular Biology, The Netherlands 
  • Rachis, Syria 
  • Sorghum and Millet Newsletter, ICRISAT 
  • Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Germany 
  • Wheat Research, Japan





Name of the Journal  & URL

  • Agronomy Research 
  • Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 
  • Breeding Science 
  • Current Science 
  • International Journal of Botany 
  • International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 
  • Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 
  • Japanese Journal of Crop Sc. 
  • Journal of Agronomy 
  • Journal of Biosciences
  • Journal of Cotton Science 
  • Journal of Genetics 
  • Plant Biotechnology 
  • Plant Production Science 
  • Scientia Agraria 
  • Tropicultura 
  • Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences          




Other Major Portals for Genetics and Plant Breeding

  • (portal for several sites) 
  • (portal for several sites) 
  • (portal for several sites) 




Suggested Broad Areas for Master’s and Doctoral Research

  • Studies  on  introgressions,  gene  transfers,  gene  identification,  location  and  localization with  the  application  of  technologies  such  as,  in  situ  hybridization,  chromosome identification  like  FISH  (Fluorescent  In  Situ  Hybridization),  GISH  (Genomic  In  Situ Hybridization),  Spectral  Karyotyping  (SKY)  and  Multiplex  Fluorescence  In  Situ Hybridization (M-FISH) etc. 
  • Studies on stay-green traits in relation to genes affecting efficiency of photosynthesis, biotic/abiotic stress tolerance 
  • Genetics of AGP system for better photosynthesis and translocation 
  • Identification of genes/QTLs for NUE and WUE 
  • Molecular  markers  tagged  to  genes/QTLs  identified  for  improvement  of  nutrient  use efficiency, water use efficiency 
  • MAS  based  mobilization  of  transgenes  for  tolerance  to  biotic  and  abiotic  stresses  into desirable agronomic backgrounds 
  • Breeding methodologies to enhance selection efficiency 
  • Component  approaches  and  development  of  selection  criteria  for  quantitative  trait improvement 
  • Stability analyses and methods to estimate the G X E components in breeding materials 
  • Relative  efficiency  analyses  of  genetic  component  estimation  for  reliable  use  in developing selection criteria in crop plants 
  • Distance  and  divergence  statistics  for  identification  of  similarity  assessment  among genetic stocks and parental genetic material 
  • Linear  and  quadratic  distance  measures  to  identify  relative  contribution  of  component traits for complex traits 
  • Studies  on  genetic  and  molecular  bases  of  stress  tolerance  to  develop  molecular diagnostics for screening/identification of stress tolerant genotypes 
  • Use of aneuploids for gene location and source for transfer through wild species 
  • Development and trisomic and monosomic series in diploids and polyploids 
  • Dependable marker systems for detection of introgression in wide crosses with minimized linkage drag 
  • Analysis  of  Resistance  Gene  analogues  and  their  use in  MAS  with  enhanced  disease resistance 
  • Analysis of Gene analogues and expression synteny and their use in MAS with enhanced quality and trait expression 
  • Refinements  in  embryo  rescue  and  consequent  diplodization  for  production  of  double haploids 
  • Use of molecular markers in phylogenetic analysis 
  • Breeding  through  distant  hybridization  route  for  New  Plant  Type  for  breaking  yield barriers 
  • Genetics  of  durable,  quantitative  resistance  and  adult  plant  resistance  in  major  crops against known pathogens 
  • Development  of  tools  and  methodologies  for  identification  of  genes  responsible  for resistance against polyphagous insects 
  • Development of alien addition lines and telocentric lines in crops 
  • Microarray technique and robotics for identification of useful genes in crops 
  • Characterization of germplasm through molecular and serological techniques 
  • Induction  of  novel  variation  through  mutagenesis  tools  and  identify  novel  genes  for different traits 
  • Development of heterotic pools for maximized heterosis in cross and self pollinated crops where hybrid seed production tools are available 
  • Genetics and traits responsible for terminal and initial heat tolerance in wheat, maize and mustard 
  • Genetics of cold tolerance related traits in maize,rice and pigeonpea 
  • Widening the QPM base in maize and prebreeding to add value to the genetic stocks of QPM 
  • Comparison  of  relative  efficiency  of  different  softwares  in  analysis  of  quantitative  trait loci and linkages 
  • Biochemical and molecular bases of signal transduction in host-pathogen interactions 
  • Metal binding proteins for identification of phytoremediators 
  • Crop improvement for biomass energy and industrial use 
  • Development of cytogenetic stocks through varietal/alien chromosome substitutions




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